Location: Guyton, Kidney, 2008 @ c88a251a599d / kidney.cellml

jonna <devnull@localhost>
2009-07-16 14:51:53+12:00
Added General Files. Changed links of dependencies so can open from web-browser. Added RDF metadata for citation and keywords, removed publication link from documentation.
Permanent Source URI:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

	<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
		<rdf:Description rdf:about="#kidney_model">

			This section is a highly simplified analysis of renal function, including analysis of 
			blood flow through the kidney and of the formation of glomerular filtrate.  Then the 
			changes that occur in the filtrate as it passes through the tubules are calculated.  
			However, only four substances are considered as they pass through the tubules: 
			sodium, potassium, urea, and water.

			The control effects of angiotensin, aldosterone, antidiuretic hormone, and nervous 
			signals are also presented.  

<!-- =============================================	Import the required units from the Units file	==================================================== -->
	<import xlink:href="units.cellml">
		<units name="minute" units_ref="minute"/>
		<units name="per_minute" units_ref="per_minute"/>
		<units name="beats_per_minute" units_ref="beats_per_minute"/>
		<units name="beats_per_minute_per_mmHg" units_ref="beats_per_minute_per_mmHg"/>
		<units name="minute_per_L" units_ref="minute_per_L"/>
		<units name="mmHg" units_ref="mmHg"/>
		<units name="per_mmHg" units_ref="per_mmHg"/>
		<units name="mmHg_per_mL" units_ref="mmHg_per_mL"/>
		<units name="mmHg_L" units_ref="mmHg_L"/>
		<units name="per_mmHg2" units_ref="per_mmHg2"/>
		<units name="mmHg3" units_ref="mmHg3"/>
		<units name="monovalent_mEq" units_ref="monovalent_mEq"/>
		<units name="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" units_ref="monovalent_mEq_per_minute"/>
		<units name="monovalent_mEq_per_litre" units_ref="monovalent_mEq_per_litre"/>
		<units name="mOsm" units_ref="mOsm"/>
		<units name="mOsm_per_litre" units_ref="mOsm_per_litre"/>
		<units name="mOsm_per_minute" units_ref="mOsm_per_minute"/>
		<units name="monovalent_mEq_per_litre_per_minute" units_ref="monovalent_mEq_per_litre_per_minute"/>
		<units name="litre2_per_monovalent_mEq_per_minute" units_ref="litre2_per_monovalent_mEq_per_minute"/>
		<units name="L_per_minute" units_ref="L_per_minute"/>
		<units name="per_mmHg_per_minute" units_ref="per_mmHg_per_minute"/>
		<units name="mL" units_ref="mL"/>
		<units name="gram_per_L" units_ref="gram_per_L"/>
		<units name="L_mmHg_per_gram" units_ref="L_mmHg_per_gram"/>
		<units name="L2_mmHg_per_gram2" units_ref="L2_mmHg_per_gram2"/>
		<units name="mmHg_minute_per_L" units_ref="mmHg_minute_per_L"/>
		<units name="mmHg_L_per_minute" units_ref="mmHg_L_per_minute"/>
		<units name="gram_per_minute" units_ref="gram_per_minute"/>
		<units name="mL_per_L" units_ref="mL_per_L"/>
		<units name="mL_per_L_per_mmHg" units_ref="mL_per_L_per_mmHg"/>
		<units name="mL_per_L_per_minute" units_ref="mL_per_L_per_minute"/>
		<units name="mL_per_minute_per_mmHg" units_ref="mL_per_minute_per_mmHg"/>
		<units name="L_mL_per_minute_per_mmHg" units_ref="L_mL_per_minute_per_mmHg"/>
		<units name="L_per_mL" units_ref="L_per_mL"/>
		<units name="L_per_mmHg" units_ref="L_per_mmHg"/>
		<units name="mL_per_minute" units_ref="mL_per_minute"/>
		<units name="L_per_minute_per_mmHg" units_ref="L_per_minute_per_mmHg"/>
		<units name="L_per_minute_per_mmHg2" units_ref="L_per_minute_per_mmHg2"/>

<!-- =====================================	Import all Parameters and State Variables from the Parameter file	============================================== -->
	<import xlink:href="parameters.cellml">
		<component component_ref="parameter_values" name="parameter_values"/>
		<component component_ref="state_variables" name="state_variables"/>

<!-- ========================================	KIDNEY TOP-LEVEL COMPONENT		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="kidney" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#kidney">
				Encapsulation grouping component containing all the components in the Kidney Model. The inputs and 
				outputs of the Kidney Model must be passed by this component.

		<variable name="time"	units="minute"		  private_interface="out" 	public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Inputs from components in other models -->
		<variable name="ADHMK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AMK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AMNA"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="ANM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="ANPX"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AUM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="CKE"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_litre" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="CNA"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_litre" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="HM1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="MYOGRS"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PA"		units="mmHg" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PAMKRN"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PPC"	units="mmHg" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="VTW"	units="litre" private_interface="out" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to components in other models -->
		<variable name="RBF" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="in" public_interface="out"/>
		<variable name="MDFLW" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="in" public_interface="out"/>
		<variable name="NOD" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="in" public_interface="out"/>
		<variable name="KOD" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="in" public_interface="out"/>
		<variable name="VUD" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="in" public_interface="out"/>

		<map_components component_1="kidney" component_2="actual_renal_blood_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RBF" variable_2="RBF"/>
		<map_components component_1="kidney" component_2="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MDFLW" variable_2="MDFLW"/>
		<map_components component_1="kidney" component_2="actual_Na_excretion_rate"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="NOD" variable_2="NOD"/>
		<map_components component_1="kidney" component_2="actual_K_excretion_rate"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="KOD" variable_2="KOD"/>
		<map_components component_1="kidney" component_2="actual_urine_volume"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="VUD" variable_2="VUD"/>

<!-- ========================================	PERFUSION PRESSURE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="perfusion_pressure" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#perfusion_pressure">
				The perfusion pressure of the kidneys (PAR) is calculated by subtracting any 
				pressure gradient caused by renal arterial constriction (GBL) from the systemic 
				arterial pressure (PA).  This block allows one to simulate Goldblatt hypertension.

				This block allows one to simulate other experiments.  The factor (RAPRSP), when 
				set to any value besides zero, will fix the renal perfusion pressure (PAR) to an 
				exact value that will not change regardless of changes in systemic arterial pressure.  
				The factor (RFCDFT) allows one to test the hypothetical condition that function of 
				the kidney over a long period of time asymptotically approaches normal output 
				function regardless of changes in arterial pressure.  That is, PAR drifts continually
				back toward the normal mean value of 100 rather than being determined by the systemic
				arterial pressure, simulating shift of the renal function curve.  This is used to test 
				theories that in the long run kidney output function can be independent of arterial 
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD2A">
				This block allows one to simulate other experiments.  The factor (RAPRSP), when 
				set to any value besides zero, will fix the renal perfusion pressure (PAR) to an 
				exact value that will not change regardless of changes in systemic arterial pressure.  
				The factor (RFCDFT) allows one to test the hypothetical condition that function of 
				the kidney over a long period of time asymptotically approaches normal output 
				function regardless of changes in arterial pressure.  That is, PAR drifts continually
				back toward the normal mean value of 100 rather than being determined by the systemic
				arterial pressure, simulating shift of the renal function curve.  This is used to test 
				theories that in the long run kidney output function can be independent of arterial 
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD1_KD2_and_KD2A">
				The perfusion pressure of the kidneys (PAR) is calculated by subtracting any 
				pressure gradient caused by renal arterial constriction (GBL) from the systemic 
				arterial pressure (PA).  This block allows one to simulate Goldblatt hypertension.

				This block allows one to simulate other experiments.  The factor (RAPRSP), when 
				set to any value besides zero, will fix the renal perfusion pressure (PAR) to an 
				exact value that will not change regardless of changes in systemic arterial pressure.  
				The factor (RFCDFT) allows one to test the hypothetical condition that function of 
				the kidney over a long period of time asymptotically approaches normal output 
				function regardless of changes in arterial pressure.  That is, PAR drifts continually
				back toward the normal mean value of 100 rather than being determined by the systemic
				arterial pressure, simulating shift of the renal function curve.  This is used to test 
				theories that in the long run kidney output function can be independent of arterial 

<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="PA"		units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PAR1_init"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="time"		units="minute"	private_interface="none" 	public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="PAR" 	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="GBL"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RAPRSP"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RFCDFT"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RCDFPC"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RCDFDP"	units="minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="PAR1"	initial_value="PAR1_init"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD2A">
							<cn cellml:units="mmHg">100</cn>
									<cn cellml:units="mmHg">100</cn>
			<apply id="KD1_KD2_and_KD2A">
								<cn cellml:units="mmHg">0</cn>
								<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0</cn>

		<map_components component_1="perfusion_pressure" component_2="state_variables"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PAR1_init" variable_2="PAR1_init"/> 

		<map_components component_1="perfusion_pressure" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PA" variable_2="PA"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="time" variable_2="time"/>

		<map_components component_1="perfusion_pressure" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GBL" variable_2="GBL"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RAPRSP" variable_2="RAPRSP"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFCDFT" variable_2="RFCDFT"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RCDFPC" variable_2="RCDFPC"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RCDFDP" variable_2="RCDFDP"/>

<!-- ========================================	RENAL AUTOREGULATORY FEEDBACK FACTOR		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor">
				KD57, KD58, KD59, KD60, KD61, KD62, KD63, KD64, KD65, KD66, and KD67:  
				Calculation of an autoregulatory feedback factor that affects the degree of constriction 
				of both afferent and efferent arterioles (RNAUG2) which is the output of Block 64.  
				This feedback effect, and the resistance of the afferent and efferent arterioles, 
				increases in proportion to the calculation from these blocks and in response to the
				flow rate of fluid in the tubules at the macula densa (MDFLW) which is the input to
				Block 57.  Blocks 57, 58, and 59 calculate the sensitivity of this feedback mechanism, 
				and the sensitivity control factor is RNAUGN in Block 58.  Blocks 60 and 61 calculate 
				the time constant of development of this feedback in the arterioles after any change in 
				rate of flow (MDFLW) at the macula densa.  The time constant of this feedback response 
				is RNAGTC in Block 60.  The value RNAULL is the lower limit to the autoregulatory 
				response (RNAUG1) as set by Block 62.  RNAUUL is the upper limit, as set by Block 63.  
				Block 65, 66, and 67 calculate obliterative adaptation of this feedback response in case
				such as this does occur.  The sensitivity of this, RNAUAD, in Block 66 is set at zero 
				because many persons believe there is no such decay of this feedback response.  Yet others 
				have postulated such a feedback response, in which case RNAUAD would then become the factor 
				that sets the time constant of the loss of the feedback response with time.  The output of
				this total system from Block 14 is RNAUG2.
				NB - REMOVED DAMPING FROM KD57-KD61!!!!!!!!!
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD57_to_KD61">
				KD57, KD58, KD59, KD60 and KD61: 
				Calculation of an autoregulatory feedback factor that affects the degree of constriction 
				of both afferent and efferent arterioles (RNAUG2) which is the output of Block 64.  
				This feedback effect, and the resistance of the afferent and efferent arterioles, 
				increases in proportion to the calculation from these blocks and in response to the
				flow rate of fluid in the tubules at the macula densa (MDFLW) which is the input to
				Block 57.  Blocks 57, 58, and 59 calculate the sensitivity of this feedback mechanism, 
				and the sensitivity control factor is RNAUGN in Block 58.  Blocks 60 and 61 calculate 
				the time constant of development of this feedback in the arterioles after any change in 
				rate of flow (MDFLW) at the macula densa.  The time constant of this feedback response 
				is RNAGTC in Block 60.  
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD62_and_KD63">
				KD62 and KD63: 
				The value RNAULL is the lower limit to the autoregulatory response (RNAUG1) as set by Block 62.  
				RNAUUL is the upper limit, as set by Block 63.  
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD64">
				Calculation of an autoregulatory feedback factor that affects the degree of constriction 
				of both afferent and efferent arterioles (RNAUG2) which is the output of Block 64.  
				This feedback effect, and the resistance of the afferent and efferent arterioles, 
				increases in proportion to the calculation from these blocks and in response to the
				flow rate of fluid in the tubules at the macula densa (MDFLW) which is the input to
				Block 57.    
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD65_to_KD67">
				KD65, KD66, and KD67: 
				Block 65, 66, and 67 calculate obliterative adaptation of this feedback response in case
				such as this does occur.  The sensitivity of this, RNAUAD, in Block 66 is set at zero 
				because many persons believe there is no such decay of this feedback response.  Yet others 
				have postulated such a feedback response, in which case RNAUAD would then become the factor 
				that sets the time constant of the loss of the feedback response with time.  The output of
				this total system from Block 14 is RNAUG2.
				NB - REMOVED DAMPING FROM KD57-KD61!!!!!!!!!
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="MDFLW"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RNAUG3_init"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="time"	units="minute" 	private_interface="none"	public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="RNAUG2" 	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="RNAUGN"	units="minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RNAULL"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RNAUUL"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RNAUAD"	units="per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="RNAUG1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="RNAUG1T"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="RNAUG3"	initial_value="RNAUG3_init"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD57_to_KD61">
							<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD62_and_KD63">
			<apply id="KD64">
			<apply id="KD65_to_KD67">
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>

		<map_components component_1="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor" component_2="state_variables"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RNAUG3_init" variable_2="RNAUG3_init"/>

		<map_components component_1="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor" component_2="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MDFLW" variable_2="MDFLW"/>
		<map_components component_1="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="time" variable_2="time"/>

		<map_components component_1="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RNAUGN" variable_2="RNAUGN"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RNAULL" variable_2="RNAULL"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RNAUUL" variable_2="RNAUUL"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RNAUAD" variable_2="RNAUAD"/>

<!-- ========================================	AFFERENT ARTERIAL RESISTANCE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="afferent_arterial_resistance" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#afferent_arterial_resistance">
				Containment grouping component for "autonomic_effect_on_AAR", "angiotensin_effect_on_AAR",
				"AAR_calculation" and "atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR".

<!-- ========================================	AUTONOMIC EFFECT ON AFFERENT RESISTANCE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="autonomic_effect_on_AAR" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#autonomic_effect_on_AAR">
				KD10, KD11, KD12, and KD13:  
				Calculation of the effect of autonomic stimulation (AUM) on afferent arteriolar 
				resistance (AUMK).  A sensitivity controller for this is in Block 11 (ARF).  A 
				limit is in Block 13 equal to 0.8.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD10_to_KD12">
				KD10, KD11, KD12, and KD13:  
				Calculation of the effect of autonomic stimulation (AUM) on afferent arteriolar 
				resistance (AUMK).  A sensitivity controller for this is in Block 11 (ARF).  A 
				limit is in Block 13 equal to 0.8.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD13">
				KD10, KD11, KD12, and KD13:  
				Calculation of the effect of autonomic stimulation (AUM) on afferent arteriolar 
				resistance (AUMK).  A sensitivity controller for this is in Block 11 (ARF).  A 
				limit is in Block 13 equal to 0.8.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="AUM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="AUMK" 	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="ARF"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="AUMKT"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD10_to_KD12">
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD13">
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0.8</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0.8</cn>

		<map_components component_1="autonomic_effect_on_AAR" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AUM" variable_2="AUM"/>

		<map_components component_1="autonomic_effect_on_AAR" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ARF" variable_2="ARF"/>

<!-- ========================================	ANGIOTENSIN EFFECT ON AFFERENT RESISTANCE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="angiotensin_effect_on_AAR" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#angiotensin_effect_on_AAR">
				KD3, KD7 and KD8:
				Calculation of a temporary value for the effect of angiotensin on the afferent arteriolar 
				resistance (ANMAR). The angiotensin-related factors that affect the afferent arteriolar
				resistance are an angiotensin multiplier factor (ANM), and an angiotensin multiplier sensitivity 
				controller (ANMAM).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD3_KD7_and_KD8">
				KD3, KD7 and KD8:
				Calculation of a temporary value for the effect of angiotensin on the afferent arteriolar 
				resistance (ANMAR). The angiotensin-related factors that affect the afferent arteriolar
				resistance are an angiotensin multiplier factor (ANM), and an angiotensin multiplier sensitivity 
				controller (ANMAM).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD8A">
				KD3, KD7 and KD8:
				Calculation of a temporary value for the effect of angiotensin on the afferent arteriolar 
				resistance (ANMAR). The angiotensin-related factors that affect the afferent arteriolar
				resistance are an angiotensin multiplier factor (ANM), and an angiotensin multiplier sensitivity 
				controller (ANMAM).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="ANM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="ANMAR" 	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="ANMAM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="ANMARL"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="ANMAR1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD3_KD7_and_KD8">
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD8A">

		<map_components component_1="angiotensin_effect_on_AAR" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANM" variable_2="ANM"/>

		<map_components component_1="angiotensin_effect_on_AAR" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANMAM" variable_2="ANMAM"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANMARL" variable_2="ANMARL"/>

<!-- ========================================	AFFERENT ARTERIAL RESISTANCE CALCULATION		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="AAR_calculation" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#AAR_calculation">
				Calculation of a temporary value for the afferent arteriolar resistance (AAR1), except for  
				the effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on this resistance which is calculated later. 				
				The factors that affect the afferent arteriolar resistance are the angiotensin multiplier 
				on afferent arterioles (ANMAR), an autonomic multiplier factor for nervous control of afferent 
				resistance (AUMK), an autoregulatory feedback multiplier effect on afferent arteriolar 
				resistance (RNAUG2), a myogenic autoregulation factor (myogrs), and a basic afferent 
				arteriolar resistance factor (AAR1) which allows for intrarenal alterations.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD9">
				Calculation of a temporary value for the afferent arteriolar resistance (AAR1), except for  
				the effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on this resistance which is calculated later. 				
				The factors that affect the afferent arteriolar resistance are the angiotensin multiplier 
				on afferent arterioles (ANMAR), an autonomic multiplier factor for nervous control of afferent 
				resistance (AUMK), an autoregulatory feedback multiplier effect on afferent arteriolar 
				resistance (RNAUG2), a myogenic autoregulation factor (myogrs), and a basic afferent 
				arteriolar resistance factor (AAR1) which allows for intrarenal alterations.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="PAMKRN"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AUMK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RNAUG2"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="ANMAR"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="MYOGRS"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="AAR1" 	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="AARK"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD9">
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">40</cn>

		<map_components component_1="AAR_calculation" component_2="angiotensin_effect_on_AAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANMAR" variable_2="ANMAR"/>
		<map_components component_1="AAR_calculation" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MYOGRS" variable_2="MYOGRS"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PAMKRN" variable_2="PAMKRN"/>
		<map_components component_1="AAR_calculation" component_2="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RNAUG2" variable_2="RNAUG2"/>
		<map_components component_1="AAR_calculation" component_2="autonomic_effect_on_AAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AUMK" variable_2="AUMK"/>

		<map_components component_1="AAR_calculation" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AARK" variable_2="AARK"/>

<!-- ========================================	ATRIAL NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE EFFECT ON AFFERENT RESISTANCE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR">
				KD21, KD22, and KD23:  
				Calculation of the effect of circulating atrial natriuretic peptide on afferent 
				arteriolar resistance (AAR).  The input to this sequence is ANPX which is derived
				from the atrial natriuretic peptide section diagram.  Sensitivity is determined 
				by ANPXAF, and the lower limit of AAR is set by Block 23 to equal AARLL.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD21_and_KD22">
				KD21 and KD22:  
				Calculation of the effect of circulating atrial natriuretic peptide on afferent 
				arteriolar resistance (AAR).  The input to this sequence is ANPX which is derived
				from the atrial natriuretic peptide section diagram.  Sensitivity is determined 
				by ANPXAF.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD23">
				The lower limit of AAR is set by Block 23 to equal AARLL.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="AAR1"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="ANPX"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="AAR" 	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="ANPXAF"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AARLL"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="AART"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD21_and_KD22">
			<apply id="KD23">

		<map_components component_1="atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR" component_2="AAR_calculation"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AAR1" variable_2="AAR1"/>
		<map_components component_1="atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANPX" variable_2="ANPX"/>

		<map_components component_1="atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANPXAF" variable_2="ANPXAF"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AARLL" variable_2="AARLL"/>

<!-- ========================================	EFFERENT ARTERIAL RESISTANCE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="efferent_arterial_resistance" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#efferent_arterial_resistance">
				Containment grouping component for "autonomic_effect_on_EAR", "angiotensin_effect_on_EAR",
				"effect_of_renal_autoregulatory_feedback_on_EAR" and "EAR_calculation".

<!-- ========================================	AUTONOMIC EFFECT ON EFFERENT RESISTANCE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="autonomic_effect_on_EAR" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#autonomic_effect_on_EAR">
				KD14, KD15, and KD16:  
				Calculation from AUMK (the output of Block 13), the effect of autonomic stimulation 
				on efferent arteriolar resistance.  The output of Block 16 multiplies efferent 
				arteriolar resistance in Block 6.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD14_to_KD16">
				KD14, KD15, and KD16:  
				Calculation from AUMK (the output of Block 13), the effect of autonomic stimulation 
				on efferent arteriolar resistance.  The output of Block 16 multiplies efferent 
				arteriolar resistance in Block 6.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="AUMK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="AUMK2" 	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="AUMK1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD14_to_KD16">
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>

		<map_components component_1="autonomic_effect_on_EAR" component_2="autonomic_effect_on_AAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AUMK" variable_2="AUMK"/>

		<map_components component_1="autonomic_effect_on_EAR" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AUMK1" variable_2="AUMK1"/>

<!-- ========================================	ANGIOTENSIN EFFECT ON EFFERENT RESISTANCE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="angiotensin_effect_on_EAR" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#angiotensin_effect_on_EAR">
				KD3, KD4 and KD5:
				Calculation of a temporary value for the effect of angiotensin on the efferent arteriolar 
				resistance (ANMER). The angiotensin-related factors that affect the efferent arteriolar
				resistance are an angiotensin multiplier (ANM), and a sensitivity control for the effect of 
				angiotensin on the efferent arterioles (ANMEM).	
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD3_to_KD5">
				KD3, KD4 and KD5:
				Calculation of a temporary value for the effect of angiotensin on the efferent arteriolar 
				resistance (ANMER). The angiotensin-related factors that affect the efferent arteriolar
				resistance are an angiotensin multiplier (ANM), and a sensitivity control for the effect of 
				angiotensin on the efferent arterioles (ANMEM).	
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="ANM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="ANMER" 	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="ANMEM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD3_to_KD5">
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>

		<map_components component_1="angiotensin_effect_on_EAR" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANM" variable_2="ANM"/>

		<map_components component_1="angiotensin_effect_on_EAR" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANMEM" variable_2="ANMEM"/>

<!-- ==========================	EFFECT OF RENAL AUTOREGULATORY FEEDBACK ON EFFERENT RESISTANCE	=============================== -->
	<component 	name="effect_of_renal_autoregulatory_feedback_on_EAR" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#effect_of_renal_autoregulatory_feedback_on_EAR">
				KD17, KD18, and KD19:  
				Sensitivity control of the renal autoregulatory feedback on efferent arteriolar 
				resistance.  The sensitivity is controlled by (EFAFR) in Block 18.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD17_to_KD19">
				KD17, KD18, and KD19:  
				Sensitivity control of the renal autoregulatory feedback on efferent arteriolar 
				resistance.  The sensitivity is controlled by (EFAFR) in Block 18.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="RNAUG2"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="RNAUG4" 	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="EFAFR"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD17_to_KD19">
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>

		<map_components component_1="effect_of_renal_autoregulatory_feedback_on_EAR" component_2="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RNAUG2" variable_2="RNAUG2"/>

		<map_components component_1="effect_of_renal_autoregulatory_feedback_on_EAR" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="EFAFR" variable_2="EFAFR"/>

<!-- ========================================	EFFERENT ARTERIAL RESISTANCE CALCULATION		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="EAR_calculation" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#EAR_calculation">
				KD6 and KD6A:  
				Calculation of the efferent arteriolar resistance of the kidneys (EAR).  The various factors 
				that affect this are: the angiotensin multiplier on efferent arterioles (ANMER), the basic 
				efferent arteriolar resistance when all other factors are normal (EARK), a multiplier factor 
				from Block KD19 that determines feedback from the renal autoregulatory mechanism, a multiplier
				factor from Block 16 that determines autonomic nervous signal control of efferent arteriolar 
				resistance, and a factor (MYOGRS) for any myogenic autoregulation that might occur in the 
				efferent arterioles.  Block KD6A sets the lower limit for the efferent arteriolar resistance (EAR)
				at a level equal to the factor (EARLL).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD6">
				Calculation of the efferent arteriolar resistance of the kidneys (EAR).  The various factors 
				that affect this are: the angiotensin multiplier on efferent arterioles (ANMER), the basic 
				efferent arteriolar resistance when all other factors are normal (EARK), a multiplier factor 
				from Block KD19 that determines feedback from the renal autoregulatory mechanism, a multiplier
				factor from Block 16 that determines autonomic nervous signal control of efferent arteriolar 
				resistance, and a factor (MYOGRS) for any myogenic autoregulation that might occur in the 
				efferent arterioles.  
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD6A">
				Block KD6A sets the lower limit for the efferent arteriolar resistance (EAR)
				at a level equal to the factor (EARLL).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="ANMER"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AUMK2"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="MYOGRS"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RNAUG4"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="EAR" 	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="EARK"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="EARLL"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="EAR1"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD6">
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">43.333</cn>
			<apply id="KD6A">

		<map_components component_1="EAR_calculation" component_2="angiotensin_effect_on_EAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANMER" variable_2="ANMER"/>
		<map_components component_1="EAR_calculation" component_2="autonomic_effect_on_EAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AUMK2" variable_2="AUMK2"/>
		<map_components component_1="EAR_calculation" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MYOGRS" variable_2="MYOGRS"/>
		<map_components component_1="EAR_calculation" component_2="effect_of_renal_autoregulatory_feedback_on_EAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RNAUG4" variable_2="RNAUG4"/>

		<map_components component_1="EAR_calculation" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="EARK" variable_2="EARK"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="EARLL" variable_2="EARLL"/>

<!-- ========================================	TOTAL RENAL RESISTANCE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="total_renal_resistance" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#total_renal_resistance">
				Calculation of the total renal resistance (RR) by adding efferent arteriolar 
				resistance (EAR) to afferent resistance (AAR).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD20">
				Calculation of the total renal resistance (RR) by adding efferent arteriolar 
				resistance (EAR) to afferent resistance (AAR).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="AAR"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="EAR"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="RR" 	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD20">

		<map_components component_1="total_renal_resistance" component_2="EAR_calculation"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="EAR" variable_2="EAR"/>
		<map_components component_1="total_renal_resistance" component_2="atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AAR" variable_2="AAR"/>

<!-- ========================================	NORMAL RENAL BLOOD FLOW	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="normal_renal_blood_flow" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#normal_renal_blood_flow">
				Renal perfusion pressure (PAR) divided by renal resistance (RR) equals the 
				renal blood flow for normal kidneys (RFN).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD24A">
				Renal perfusion pressure (PAR) divided by renal resistance (RR) equals the 
				renal blood flow for normal kidneys (RFN).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="RR"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PAR"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="RFN" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD24A">

		<map_components component_1="normal_renal_blood_flow" component_2="total_renal_resistance"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RR" variable_2="RR"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_renal_blood_flow" component_2="perfusion_pressure"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PAR" variable_2="PAR"/>

<!-- ========================================	ACTUAL RENAL BLOOD FLOW	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="actual_renal_blood_flow" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#actual_renal_blood_flow">
				Calculation of the actual renal blood flow (RBF) by multiplying the normalized 
				renal blood flow (RFN) for two normal kidneys times the fraction of normal kidney
				mass present in the body (REK).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD73">
				Calculation of the actual renal blood flow (RBF) by multiplying the normalized 
				renal blood flow (RFN) for two normal kidneys times the fraction of normal kidney
				mass present in the body (REK).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="RFN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable 	cmeta:id="actual_renal_blood_flow_RBF"
					name="RBF" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="REK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD73">

		<map_components component_1="actual_renal_blood_flow" component_2="normal_renal_blood_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFN" variable_2="RFN"/>

		<map_components component_1="actual_renal_blood_flow" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="REK" variable_2="REK"/>

<!-- ========================================	GLOMERULAR CAPILLARIES	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="glomerular_capillaries" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#glomerular_capillaries">
				Containment grouping component for "glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure",
				"glomerular_pressure", "glomerular_filtration_rate".

<!-- ========================================	GLOMERULAR COLLOID OSMOTIC PRESSURE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure">
				KD68, KD69, KD70, KD71, KD71A, KD72, KD72A, and KD72B:  
				Calculation of the colloid osmotic pressure of the proteins in the plasma of the 
				fluid flowing through the glomerular capillaries (GLPC).  This calculation is based 
				on four input factors, fractional hematocrit (HM1) in Block 68, normalized rate of 
				blood flow (RFN) in Block 69, normalized rate of flow through the two kidneys (GFN)
				in Block 70, and plasma protein concentration in the blood elsewhere in the body (PPC) 
				in Block 72A.  The output of Block 72A is damped in Block 72B by the damping factor GPPD; 
				this is to prevent oscillation in the feedback circuit.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD68_to_KD71">
				KD68, KD69, KD70, KD71, KD71A, KD72, KD72A, and KD72B:  
				Calculation of the colloid osmotic pressure of the proteins in the plasma of the 
				fluid flowing through the glomerular capillaries (GLPC).  This calculation is based 
				on four input factors, fractional hematocrit (HM1) in Block 68, normalized rate of 
				blood flow (RFN) in Block 69, normalized rate of flow through the two kidneys (GFN)
				in Block 70, and plasma protein concentration in the blood elsewhere in the body (PPC) 
				in Block 72A.  The output of Block 72A is damped in Block 72B by the damping factor GPPD; 
				this is to prevent oscillation in the feedback circuit.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD71A">
				KD68, KD69, KD70, KD71, KD71A, KD72, KD72A, and KD72B:  
				Calculation of the colloid osmotic pressure of the proteins in the plasma of the 
				fluid flowing through the glomerular capillaries (GLPC).  This calculation is based 
				on four input factors, fractional hematocrit (HM1) in Block 68, normalized rate of 
				blood flow (RFN) in Block 69, normalized rate of flow through the two kidneys (GFN)
				in Block 70, and plasma protein concentration in the blood elsewhere in the body (PPC) 
				in Block 72A.  The output of Block 72A is damped in Block 72B by the damping factor GPPD; 
				this is to prevent oscillation in the feedback circuit.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD72_to_KD72B">
				KD68, KD69, KD70, KD71, KD71A, KD72, KD72A, and KD72B:  
				Calculation of the colloid osmotic pressure of the proteins in the plasma of the 
				fluid flowing through the glomerular capillaries (GLPC).  This calculation is based 
				on four input factors, fractional hematocrit (HM1) in Block 68, normalized rate of 
				blood flow (RFN) in Block 69, normalized rate of flow through the two kidneys (GFN)
				in Block 70, and plasma protein concentration in the blood elsewhere in the body (PPC) 
				in Block 72A.  The output of Block 72A is damped in Block 72B by the damping factor GPPD; 
				this is to prevent oscillation in the feedback circuit.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="HM1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RFN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="GFN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PPC"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="GLPC" 	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="GPPD"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="GLPCA"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="EFAFPR"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="EFAFPR1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD68_to_KD71">
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
								<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD71A">
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD72_to_KD72B">
								<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1.35</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0.98</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="mmHg">0</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="mmHg">4</cn>

		<map_components component_1="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="HM1" variable_2="HM1"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PPC" variable_2="PPC"/>
		<map_components component_1="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure" component_2="normal_renal_blood_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFN" variable_2="RFN"/>
		<map_components component_1="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure" component_2="glomerular_filtration_rate"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GFN" variable_2="GFN"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GLPC" variable_2="GLPC"/>

		<map_components component_1="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GPPD" variable_2="GPPD"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GLPCA" variable_2="GLPCA"/>

<!-- ========================================	GLOMERULAR PRESSURE		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="glomerular_pressure" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#glomerular_pressure">
				Arterial pressure drop (APD) in the renal arteries and afferent arterioles 
				before the blood gets to the glomerulus equals RFN times efferent arterial 
				resistance (AAR).

				Calculation of glomerular pressure (GLP) by subtracting afferent pressure drop (APD) 
				from the input pressure to the kidney (PAR).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD24">
				Arterial pressure drop (APD) in the renal arteries and afferent arterioles 
				before the blood gets to the glomerulus equals RFN times efferent arterial 
				resistance (AAR).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD25">
				Calculation of glomerular pressure (GLP) by subtracting afferent pressure drop (APD) 
				from the input pressure to the kidney (PAR).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="AAR"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PAR"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RFN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="GLP" 	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="APD"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD24">
			<apply id="KD25">

		<map_components component_1="glomerular_pressure" component_2="atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AAR" variable_2="AAR"/>
		<map_components component_1="glomerular_pressure" component_2="perfusion_pressure"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PAR" variable_2="PAR"/>
		<map_components component_1="glomerular_pressure" component_2="normal_renal_blood_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFN" variable_2="RFN"/>

<!-- ========================================	GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="glomerular_filtration_rate" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#glomerular_filtration_rate">
					Calculation of average filtration pressure through the glomerular 
					capillary walls (PFL) by subtracting intrarenal pressure (PXTP) and 
					colloid osmotic pressure of the glomerular plasma (GLPC) from the average 
					glomerular pressure (GLP).

					KD27 and KD28:  
					Calculation of the normalized glomerular filtration rate (GFN) if both kidneys 
					are fully functional.  This is calculated by multiplying the pressure drop 
					across the glomerular capillary membrane (PFL) times the glomerular filtration 
					coefficient (GFLC).  The lower limit for glomerular filtration is set in Block 28 
					by the value GFNLL.
					Calculation of the actual glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by multiplying the rate 
					that would be true if both kidneys were totally intact (GFN) times the fraction of 
					normal kidney mass actually functioning (REK).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD26">
					Calculation of average filtration pressure through the glomerular 
					capillary walls (PFL) by subtracting intrarenal pressure (PXTP) and 
					colloid osmotic pressure of the glomerular plasma (GLPC) from the average 
					glomerular pressure (GLP).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD27">
					Calculation of the normalized glomerular filtration rate (GFN) if both kidneys 
					are fully functional.  This is calculated by multiplying the pressure drop 
					across the glomerular capillary membrane (PFL) times the glomerular filtration 
					coefficient (GFLC).  
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD28">
					The lower limit for glomerular filtration is set in Block 28 
					by the value GFNLL.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD51">
					Calculation of the actual glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by multiplying the rate 
					that would be true if both kidneys were totally intact (GFN) times the fraction of 
					normal kidney mass actually functioning (REK).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="GLP"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="GLPC"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="GFN" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>
		<variable name="GFR" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="PXTP"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="GFLC"	units="L_per_minute_per_mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="GFNLL"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="REK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="PFL"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="GFN1"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD26">
			<apply id="KD27">
			<apply id="KD28">
			<apply id="KD51">

		<map_components component_1="glomerular_filtration_rate" component_2="glomerular_pressure"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GLP" variable_2="GLP"/>

		<map_components component_1="glomerular_filtration_rate" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PXTP" variable_2="PXTP"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GFLC" variable_2="GFLC"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GFNLL" variable_2="GFNLL"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="REK" variable_2="REK"/>

<!-- ========================================	PROXIMAL TUBULAR AND MACULA DENSA FLOW	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow">
				Calculation of normalized rate of flow of fluid out of the proximal tubules (PTFL) 
				making the assumption that this is directly proportional to the normalized glomerular 
				filtration rate (GFN).  The value (1.0) is considered to be the normal flow of fluid 
				out of the proximal tubules when all functions of the kidneys are normal.

				KD30, KD31, and KD32:  
				This is a sensitivity controller to determine the normalized rate of flow of tubular 
				fluid at the macula densa level in the kidneys (MDFLW) when the normalized rate of flow 
				out of the proximal tubules (PTFL) changes from the normalized mean value of 1.  The
				multiplier value MDFL1 in Block 31 determines how many times as much the normalized 
				value for macula densa flow (MDFLW) changes with respect to change in proximal tubular 
				outflow (PTFL).

				This block sets a lower limit of macula densa flow  (MDFLW) equal to zero.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD29">
				Calculation of normalized rate of flow of fluid out of the proximal tubules (PTFL) 
				making the assumption that this is directly proportional to the normalized glomerular 
				filtration rate (GFN).  The value (1.0) is considered to be the normal flow of fluid 
				out of the proximal tubules when all functions of the kidneys are normal.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD30_to_KD32">
				KD30, KD31, and KD32:  
				This is a sensitivity controller to determine the normalized rate of flow of tubular 
				fluid at the macula densa level in the kidneys (MDFLW) when the normalized rate of flow 
				out of the proximal tubules (PTFL) changes from the normalized mean value of 1.  The
				multiplier value MDFL1 in Block 31 determines how many times as much the normalized 
				value for macula densa flow (MDFLW) changes with respect to change in proximal tubular 
				outflow (PTFL).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD33">
				This block sets a lower limit of macula densa flow  (MDFLW) equal to zero.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="GFN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable 	cmeta:id="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow_MDFLW"
					name="MDFLW" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="MDFL1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="PTFL"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="MDFLWT"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD29">
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">8</cn>
			<apply id="KD30_to_KD32">
							<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD33">
						<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">0</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">0</cn>

		<map_components component_1="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow" component_2="glomerular_filtration_rate"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GFN" variable_2="GFN"/>

		<map_components component_1="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MDFL1" variable_2="MDFL1"/>

<!-- ========================================	RENAL TISSUE OSMOTIC PRESSURE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="renal_tissue_osmotic_pressure" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#renal_tissue_osmotic_pressure">
				KD79, KD80, and KD81:  
				Calculation of the renal tissue fluid colloid osmotic pressure (RTSPPC) based on 
				the average colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma in the glomerulus (GLPC) times 
				a factor caused by reabsorption of fluid into the plasma flowing through the 
				capillaries surrounding the tubules (RTPPR), and minus a factor resulting from a
				protein differential between the capillaries and the tissue spaces (RTPPRS).  The 
				lower limit of RTSPPC is set to 1.0 by Block 81.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD79_and_KD80">
				KD79 and KD80:  
				Calculation of the renal tissue fluid colloid osmotic pressure (RTSPPC) based on 
				the average colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma in the glomerulus (GLPC) times 
				a factor caused by reabsorption of fluid into the plasma flowing through the 
				capillaries surrounding the tubules (RTPPR), and minus a factor resulting from a
				protein differential between the capillaries and the tissue spaces (RTPPRS).  
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD81">
				The lower limit of RTSPPC is set to 1.0 by Block 81.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="GLPC"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="RTSPPC" 	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="RTPPR"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RTPPRS"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="RTSPPC1"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD79_and_KD80">
			<apply id="KD81">
						<cn cellml:units="mmHg">1</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="mmHg">1</cn>

		<map_components component_1="renal_tissue_osmotic_pressure" component_2="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GLPC" variable_2="GLPC"/>

		<map_components component_1="renal_tissue_osmotic_pressure" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RTPPR" variable_2="RTPPR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RTPPRS" variable_2="RTPPRS"/>

<!-- ========================================	UREA HANDLING	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="urea_handling" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#urea_handling">
				Containment grouping component for "plasma_urea_concentration",

<!-- ========================================	GLOMERULAR UREA CONCENTRATION	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="glomerular_urea_concentration" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#glomerular_urea_concentration">
				KD53 and KD54:  
				Calculation of the concentration of urea in the glomerular filtrate and also in the plasma (PLURC). 
				Subtraction in Block 53 of the urinary output of urea (UROD) from rate of formation of urea in the body (URFORM)
				and the result integrated in Block 54 calculates the total urea in the plasma and other body fluids (PLUR).  
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD53_and_KD54">
				KD53 and KD54:  
				Calculation of the concentration of urea in the glomerular filtrate and also in the plasma (PLURC). 
				Subtraction in Block 53 of the urinary output of urea (UROD) from rate of formation of urea in the body (URFORM)
				and the result integrated in Block 54 calculates the total urea in the plasma and other body fluids (PLUR).  

<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="UROD"	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PLUR_init"	units="mOsm" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="time"	units="minute"	private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="PLUR" 	initial_value="PLUR_init"	units="mOsm" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="URFORM"	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD53_and_KD54">

		<map_components component_1="glomerular_urea_concentration" component_2="state_variables"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PLUR_init" variable_2="PLUR_init"/>

		<map_components component_1="glomerular_urea_concentration" component_2="actual_urea_excretion_rate"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="UROD" variable_2="UROD"/>
		<map_components component_1="glomerular_urea_concentration" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="time" variable_2="time"/>

		<map_components component_1="glomerular_urea_concentration" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="URFORM" variable_2="URFORM"/>

<!-- ========================================	PLASMA UREA CONCENTRATION		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="plasma_urea_concentration" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#plasma_urea_concentration">
				Calculation of the concentration of urea in the glomerular filtrate and also 
				in the plasma (PLURC). 
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD55">
				Calculation of the concentration of urea in the glomerular filtrate and also 
				in the plasma (PLURC). 
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="PLUR"	units="mOsm" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="VTW"	units="litre" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="PLURC" 	units="mOsm_per_litre" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD55">

		<map_components component_1="plasma_urea_concentration" component_2="glomerular_urea_concentration"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PLUR" variable_2="PLUR"/>
		<map_components component_1="plasma_urea_concentration" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="VTW" variable_2="VTW"/>

<!-- ========================================	RENAL PERITUBULAR CAPILLARIES		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="renal_peritubular_capillaries" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#renal_peritubular_capillaries">
				Containment grouping component for "peritubular_capillary_pressure" and

<!-- ========================================	PERITUBULAR CAPILLARY PRESSURE		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="peritubular_capillary_pressure" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#peritubular_capillary_pressure">
				KD74, KD75, KD76, and KD77:  
				Calculation of renal peritubular capillary pressure.  Blocks KD74, KD75 and KD76 
				are a sensitivity control to determine the effect of changes in RFN on the calculation.  
				In Block KD77, the output of Block KD76 is multiplied by a resistance from the 
				glomerulus back to the large veins (RVRS). 
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD74_to_KD77">
				KD74, KD75, KD76, and KD77:  
				Calculation of renal peritubular capillary pressure.  Blocks KD74, KD75 and KD76 
				are a sensitivity control to determine the effect of changes in RFN on the calculation.  
				In Block KD77, the output of Block KD76 is multiplied by a resistance from the 
				glomerulus back to the large veins (RVRS). 
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="RFN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="RCPRS" 	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="RFABX"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RVRS"	units="mmHg_minute_per_L" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD74_to_KD77">
								<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">1.2</cn>
						<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">1.2</cn>

		<map_components component_1="peritubular_capillary_pressure" component_2="normal_renal_blood_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFN" variable_2="RFN"/>

		<map_components component_1="peritubular_capillary_pressure" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFABX" variable_2="RFABX"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RVRS" variable_2="RVRS"/>

<!-- ========================================	PERITUBULAR CAPILLARY REABSORPTION FACTOR	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor">
				The pressure difference for absorption of fluid into the peritubular 
				capillaries (RABSPR) is equal to the average colloid osmotic pressure 
				in the peritubular capillaries (RABSPR), which is equal to the average 
				colloid osmotic pressure in the glomerulus (GLPC), minus renal tissue 
				fluid colloid osmotic pressure (RTSPPC), minus the renal peritubular 
				capillary pressure (RCPRS), and plus the renal tissue fluid pressure (RTSPRS).

				A temporary distal tubular reabsorption factor (RFAB1) is calculated from 
				the peritubular capillary absorptive pressure difference (RABSPR) times the
				renal peritubular capillary reabsorption coefficient (RABSC).

				This is a damping circuit to calculate the reabsorption factor (RFAB).  The 
				damping coefficient is RFABDP.  The purpose of this is to prevent 
				oscillation in the system.

				KD84, KD85, KD86, and KD87:  
				Blocks 84, 85, and 86 are a sensitivity control for determining the effect 
				of the reabsorption factor RFAB on distal tubule reabsorption (RFABD).  The 
				sensitivity is controlled by the factor in Block 85, RFABDM.  Block 87 prevents
				the value of RFABD from falling below a value of .0001.  
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD78">
				The pressure difference for absorption of fluid into the peritubular 
				capillaries (RABSPR) is equal to the average colloid osmotic pressure 
				in the peritubular capillaries (RABSPR), which is equal to the average 
				colloid osmotic pressure in the glomerulus (GLPC), minus renal tissue 
				fluid colloid osmotic pressure (RTSPPC), minus the renal peritubular 
				capillary pressure (RCPRS), and plus the renal tissue fluid pressure (RTSPRS).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD82">
				A temporary distal tubular reabsorption factor (RFAB1) is calculated from 
				the peritubular capillary absorptive pressure difference (RABSPR) times the
				renal peritubular capillary reabsorption coefficient (RABSC).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD83">
				This is a damping circuit to calculate the reabsorption factor (RFAB).  The 
				damping coefficient is RFABDP.  The purpose of this is to prevent 
				oscillation in the system.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD84_to_KD86">
				KD84, KD85, and KD86:  
				Blocks 84, 85, and 86 are a sensitivity control for determining the effect 
				of the reabsorption factor RFAB on distal tubule reabsorption (RFABD).  The 
				sensitivity is controlled by the factor in Block 85, RFABDM.  
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD87">
				Block 87 prevents the value of RFABD from falling below a value of .0001.  
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="RCPRS"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="GLPC"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RTSPPC"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="RFABD" 	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="RTSPRS"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RABSC"	units="per_mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RFABDP"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RFABDM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="RABSPR"	units="mmHg" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="RFAB1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="RFAB"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="RFABD1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD78">
			<apply id="KD82">
			<apply id="KD83">
			<apply id="KD84_to_KD86">
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD87">
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0.0001</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0.0001</cn>

		<map_components component_1="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor" component_2="peritubular_capillary_pressure"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RCPRS" variable_2="RCPRS"/>
		<map_components component_1="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor" component_2="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GLPC" variable_2="GLPC"/>
		<map_components component_1="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor" component_2="renal_tissue_osmotic_pressure"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RTSPPC" variable_2="RTSPPC"/>

		<map_components component_1="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RTSPRS" variable_2="RTSPRS"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RABSC" variable_2="RABSC"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFABDP" variable_2="RFABDP"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFABDM" variable_2="RFABDM"/>

<!-- ========================================	SODIUM AND POTASSIUM HANDLING		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="sodium_and_potassium_handling" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#sodium_and_potassium_handling">
				Containment grouping component for "distal_tubular_Na_delivery", 
				"angiotensin_induced_Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules", "distal_tubular_K_delivery",
				"effect_of_physical_forces_on_distal_K_reabsorption", "effect_of_fluid_flow_on_K_reabsorption",
				"K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules", "K_secretion_from_distal_tubules".

<!-- ========================================	DISTAL TUBULAR SODIUM DELIVERY	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="distal_tubular_Na_delivery" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#distal_tubular_Na_delivery">
				Calculation of rate of delivery of sodium into the distal tubular system of 
				two normal kidneys in milliequivalents per minute (DTNAI), which is equal to 
				the normalized delivery of fluid into the distal tubules (MDFLW) times the 
				concentration of sodium in the tubules (CNA), times the factor 0.0061619.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD34">
				Calculation of rate of delivery of sodium into the distal tubular system of 
				two normal kidneys in milliequivalents per minute (DTNAI), which is equal to 
				the normalized delivery of fluid into the distal tubules (MDFLW) times the 
				concentration of sodium in the tubules (CNA), times the factor 0.0061619.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="MDFLW"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="CNA"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_litre" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="DTNAI" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD34">
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0.0061619</cn>

		<map_components component_1="distal_tubular_Na_delivery" component_2="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MDFLW" variable_2="MDFLW"/>
		<map_components component_1="distal_tubular_Na_delivery" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="CNA" variable_2="CNA"/>

<!-- ========================================	SODIUM REABSORPTION INTO DISTAL TUBULES	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules">
				KD113, KD114, and KD115:  
				Calculation of the effect of an antidiuretic hormone multiplier constant (ADHMK) 
				on the absorption of sodium by the distal tubular-collecting duct system (output 
				of Block 115).  The sensitivity of this ADH effect is adjusted by the sensitivity 
				factor AHMNAR in Block 114.
				KD36 and KD37:  
				Calculation of the sodium reabsorbed in the distal tubules and collecting duct (DTNARA).  
				The different factors that affect this are the basic value for the normal state (DTNAR),
				the basic blood capillary hemodynamics of the system (RFABD), the effect of antidiuretic
				hormone (from Block 115), and the effect of an aldosterone multiplier effect to cause 
				reabsorption of sodium (AMNA) as determined from the output of Block 23 in the aldosterone
				section of these diagrams.  Block 37 sets the lower limit of DTNARA at zero.  DIURET 
				allows one to simulate the effect of a diuretic.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD113_to_KD115_and_KD36">
				KD113, KD114, and KD115:  
				Calculation of the effect of an antidiuretic hormone multiplier constant (ADHMK) 
				on the absorption of sodium by the distal tubular-collecting duct system (output 
				of Block 115).  The sensitivity of this ADH effect is adjusted by the sensitivity 
				factor AHMNAR in Block 114.
				KD36 and KD37:  
				Calculation of the sodium reabsorbed in the distal tubules and collecting duct (DTNARA).  
				The different factors that affect this are the basic value for the normal state (DTNAR),
				the basic blood capillary hemodynamics of the system (RFABD), the effect of antidiuretic
				hormone (from Block 115), and the effect of an aldosterone multiplier effect to cause 
				reabsorption of sodium (AMNA) as determined from the output of Block 23 in the aldosterone
				section of these diagrams.  Block 37 sets the lower limit of DTNARA at zero.  DIURET 
				allows one to simulate the effect of a diuretic.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD37">
				KD36 and KD37:  
				Calculation of the sodium reabsorbed in the distal tubules and collecting duct (DTNARA).  
				The different factors that affect this are the basic value for the normal state (DTNAR),
				the basic blood capillary hemodynamics of the system (RFABD), the effect of antidiuretic
				hormone (from Block 115), and the effect of an aldosterone multiplier effect to cause 
				reabsorption of sodium (AMNA) as determined from the output of Block 23 in the aldosterone
				section of these diagrams.  Block 37 sets the lower limit of DTNARA at zero.  DIURET 
				allows one to simulate the effect of a diuretic.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="ADHMK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AMNA"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RFABD"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="DTNARA" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="DTNAR"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="DIURET"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AHMNAR"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="DTNARL"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="DTNARA1"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD113_to_KD115_and_KD36">
								<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD37">

		<map_components component_1="Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ADHMK" variable_2="ADHMK"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AMNA" variable_2="AMNA"/>
		<map_components component_1="Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFABD" variable_2="RFABD"/>

		<map_components component_1="Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTNAR" variable_2="DTNAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DIURET" variable_2="DIURET"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AHMNAR" variable_2="AHMNAR"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTNARL" variable_2="DTNARL"/>

<!-- =========================	ANGIOTENSIN-INDUCED SODIUM REABSORPTION INTO DISTAL TUBULES	================================== -->
	<component 	name="angiotensin_induced_Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#angiotensin_induced_Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules">
				KD108, KD109, KD110, KD111, and KD112:  
				Calculation of the fraction of the distal tubular reabsorption of sodium that is 
				absorbed each minute that is dependent on the availability of angiotensin (DTNANG).  
				The input factor to this system of blocks, ANM, is the angiotensin multiplier. 
				Blocks 108, 109, and 110 adjust the sensitivity of the effect in accordance with 
				the sensitivity factor ANMNAM.  Block 111 converts the output of Block 110 into
				actual milliequivalents of sodium per minute, and Block 112 places a lower limit 
				on absorption of sodium in response to angiotensin to a level of zero.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD108_to_KD111">
				KD108, KD109, KD110 and KD111:  
				Calculation of the fraction of the distal tubular reabsorption of sodium that is 
				absorbed each minute that is dependent on the availability of angiotensin (DTNANG).  
				The input factor to this system of blocks, ANM, is the angiotensin multiplier. 
				Blocks 108, 109, and 110 adjust the sensitivity of the effect in accordance with 
				the sensitivity factor ANMNAM.  Block 111 converts the output of Block 110 into
				actual milliequivalents of sodium per minute.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD112">
				Block 112 places a lower limit on absorption of sodium in response to angiotensin to a level of zero.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="ANM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="DTNANG" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="ANMNAM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="DTNANG1"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD108_to_KD111">
								<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0.1</cn>
			<apply id="KD112">
						<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0</cn>

		<map_components component_1="angiotensin_induced_Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANM" variable_2="ANM"/>

		<map_components component_1="angiotensin_induced_Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANMNAM" variable_2="ANMNAM"/>

<!-- ========================================	DISTAL TUBULAR POTASSIUM DELIVERY	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="distal_tubular_K_delivery" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#distal_tubular_K_delivery">
				KD101 and KD102:  
				Calculation of the rate of entry of potassium into the distal tubular system (DTKI) 
				based on the rate of sodium entry into the system (DTNAI), divided by the concentration 
				of sodium in the extracellular fluid (CNA), and multiplied by the concentration of 
				potassium in the extracellular fluid (CKE).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD101_and_KD102">
				KD101 and KD102:  
				Calculation of the rate of entry of potassium into the distal tubular system (DTKI) 
				based on the rate of sodium entry into the system (DTNAI), divided by the concentration 
				of sodium in the extracellular fluid (CNA), and multiplied by the concentration of 
				potassium in the extracellular fluid (CKE).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="DTNAI"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="CNA"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_litre" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="CKE"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_litre" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="DTKI" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD101_and_KD102">

		<map_components component_1="distal_tubular_K_delivery" component_2="distal_tubular_Na_delivery"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTNAI" variable_2="DTNAI"/>
		<map_components component_1="distal_tubular_K_delivery" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="CNA" variable_2="CNA"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="CKE" variable_2="CKE"/>

<!-- ========================================	EFFECT OF PHYSICAL FORCES ON DISTAL K REBASORPTION	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="effect_of_physical_forces_on_distal_K_reabsorption" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#effect_of_physical_forces_on_distal_K_reabsorption">
				KD99 and KD100:  
				Calculation of the effect of renal hemodynamics (RFABD) in affecting the 
				rate of reabsorption of potassium by the distal tubule-collecting duct 
				system (RFABK).  The intensity of this effect is controlled by factor 
				RFABKM in Block 100.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD99_and_KD100">
				KD99 and KD100:  
				Calculation of the effect of renal hemodynamics (RFABD) in affecting the 
				rate of reabsorption of potassium by the distal tubule-collecting duct 
				system (RFABK).  The intensity of this effect is controlled by factor 
				RFABKM in Block 100.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="RFABD"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="RFABK" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="RFABKM"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD99_and_KD100">
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>

		<map_components component_1="effect_of_physical_forces_on_distal_K_reabsorption" component_2="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFABD" variable_2="RFABD"/>

		<map_components component_1="effect_of_physical_forces_on_distal_K_reabsorption" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFABKM" variable_2="RFABKM"/>

<!-- ========================================	EFFECT OF FLUID FLOW ON DISTAL K REABSORPTION	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="effect_of_fluid_flow_on_distal_K_reabsorption" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#effect_of_fluid_flow_on_distal_K_reabsorption">
				KD88, KD89, KD90, and KD90A:  
				Calculation of a multiplier factor for the effect of rate of flow of fluid into 
				the distal tubular system (MDFLW) on the rate of reabsorption of potassium from 
				the distal tubules and collecting ducts (MDFLK).  The sensitivity of this control 
				is MDFLKM in Block 89.  The lower limit of the output MDFLK is set to .1 by 
				Block 90A.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD88_to_KD90">
				KD88, KD89 and KD90:  
				Calculation of a multiplier factor for the effect of rate of flow of fluid into 
				the distal tubular system (MDFLW) on the rate of reabsorption of potassium from 
				the distal tubules and collecting ducts (MDFLK).  The sensitivity of this control 
				is MDFLKM in Block 89.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD90A">
				The lower limit of the output MDFLK is set to .1 by Block 90A.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="MDFLW"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="MDFLK" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="MDFLKM"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_litre" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="MDFLK1"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD88_to_KD90">
							<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD90A">
						<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0.1</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0.1</cn>

		<map_components component_1="effect_of_fluid_flow_on_distal_K_reabsorption" component_2="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MDFLW" variable_2="MDFLW"/>

		<map_components component_1="effect_of_fluid_flow_on_distal_K_reabsorption" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MDFLKM" variable_2="MDFLKM"/>

<!-- ========================================	POTASSIUM REABSORPTION INTO DISTAL TUBULES	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules">
				KD104, KD105, KD106, and KD107:  
				The rate of reabsorption of potassium in the distal tubule-collecting duct 
				system DTKA is proportional to the urinary excretion rate of potassium (KODN) 
				times a proportionality factor, .0004519, and divided by the rate of output of 
				urine from the kidneys (VUDN).  Blocks 105, 106, and 107 are a time delay circuit
				to allow for the time required for this effect to develop.  The time delay 
				constant is determined by factor I6 in Block 106.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD104_to_KD107">
				KD104, KD105, KD106, and KD107:  
				The rate of reabsorption of potassium in the distal tubule-collecting duct 
				system DTKA is proportional to the urinary excretion rate of potassium (KODN) 
				times a proportionality factor, .0004519, and divided by the rate of output of 
				urine from the kidneys (VUDN).  Blocks 105, 106, and 107 are a time delay circuit
				to allow for the time required for this effect to develop.  The time delay 
				constant is determined by factor I6 in Block 106.

<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="KODN"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="VUDN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="DTKA_init"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="time"	units="minute"	private_interface="none" 	public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="DTKA" 	initial_value="DTKA_init"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD104_to_KD107">
							<cn cellml:units="L_per_minute">0.0004518</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="per_minute">1.0</cn>

		<map_components component_1="K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="state_variables"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTKA_init" variable_2="DTKA_init"/> 

		<map_components component_1="K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="normal_K_excretion"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="KODN" variable_2="KODN"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTKA" variable_2="DTKA"/>
		<map_components component_1="K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="normal_urine_volume"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="VUDN" variable_2="VUDN"/>
		<map_components component_1="K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="time" variable_2="time"/>

<!-- ========================================	POTASSIUM SECRETION FROM DISTAL TUBULES	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="K_secretion_from_distal_tubules" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#K_secretion_from_distal_tubules">
				KD91, KD92, and KD93:  
				Calculation of a temporary rate of potassium secretion into the distal 
				tubular-collecting tubular system (DTKSC1) based on the concentration of 
				potassium in the plasma (CKE), which is first normalized to the value 1.0 
				in Block 91, then raised to a power (CKEEX) in Block 92.  The result is 
				multiplied by the delivery of potassium into the tubular system at the 
				macula densa level of the distal tubule (MDFLK), and by a multiplier effect 
				depicting the effect of aldosterone on the secretion of potassium by the
				tubular epithelium into the tubule (AMK).

				KD94, KD95, KD96, KD97, and KD98:  
				Calculation of the actual rate of secretion of potassium into the distal 
				tubule-collecting duct system (DTKSC) by multiplying the temporary rate of 
				secretion from Block 93 (DTKSC1) times a multiplier factor based on 
				angiotensin concentration in the body fluids (ANMKE).  ANMKE is calculated 
				from a generalized body angiotensin multiplier factor (ANM) times a controller 
				for the sensitivity of this effect (ANMKEM).  ANMKE is limited to a lowest 
				value by ANMKEL in Block 97.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD94_to_KD96">
				KD94, KD95 and KD96:  
				Calculation of the actual rate of secretion of potassium into the distal 
				tubule-collecting duct system (DTKSC) by multiplying the temporary rate of 
				secretion from Block 93 (DTKSC1) times a multiplier factor based on 
				angiotensin concentration in the body fluids (ANMKE).  ANMKE is calculated 
				from a generalized body angiotensin multiplier factor (ANM) times a controller 
				for the sensitivity of this effect (ANMKEM). 
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD97">
				ANMKE is limited to a lowest value by ANMKEL in Block 97.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD91_to_KD93_and_KD98">
				KD91, KD92, and KD93:  
				Calculation of a temporary rate of potassium secretion into the distal 
				tubular-collecting tubular system (DTKSC1) based on the concentration of 
				potassium in the plasma (CKE), which is first normalized to the value 1.0 
				in Block 91, then raised to a power (CKEEX) in Block 92.  The result is 
				multiplied by the delivery of potassium into the tubular system at the 
				macula densa level of the distal tubule (MDFLK), and by a multiplier effect 
				depicting the effect of aldosterone on the secretion of potassium by the
				tubular epithelium into the tubule (AMK).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="CKE"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_litre" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="AMK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="MDFLK"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="ANM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="DTKSC" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="ANMKEM"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="ANMKEL"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="CKEEX"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="ANMKE1"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="ANMKE"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD94_to_KD96">
							<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>
			<apply id="KD97">
			<apply id="KD91_to_KD93_and_KD98">
								<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_litre">4.4</cn>
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">0.08</cn>

		<map_components component_1="K_secretion_from_distal_tubules" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="CKE" variable_2="CKE"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="AMK" variable_2="AMK"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANM" variable_2="ANM"/>
		<map_components component_1="K_secretion_from_distal_tubules" component_2="effect_of_fluid_flow_on_distal_K_reabsorption"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="MDFLK" variable_2="MDFLK"/>

		<map_components component_1="K_secretion_from_distal_tubules" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANMKEM" variable_2="ANMKEM"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ANMKEL" variable_2="ANMKEL"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="CKEEX" variable_2="CKEEX"/>

<!-- ========================================	URINARY EXCRETION		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="urinary_excretion" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#urinary_excretion">
				Containment grouping component for "normal_Na_excretion", "normal_K_excretion",
				"normal_urea_excretion", "normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion",
				"normal_urine_volume", "actual_Na_exretion_rate", "actual_K_excretion_rate",
				"actual_urea_excretion_rate", "actual_urine_volume".

<!-- ========================================	NORMAL SODIUM EXCRETION	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="normal_Na_excretion" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#normal_Na_excretion">
				Calculation of the normalized rate of delivery of sodium into the urine (NODN) 
				if both kidneys are intact and normal.  This is calculated by subtracting from 
				the rate of entry of sodium into the distal tubular system (DTNAI) the distal 
				tubular and collecting duct reabsorption of sodium caused by the presence of
				angiotensin in the blood (DTNANG) and that caused by multiple other factors (DTNARA) 
				from Blocks 36 and 37.

				This sets a lower limit for the normalized output of sodium (NODN) to zero.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD35">
				Calculation of the normalized rate of delivery of sodium into the urine (NODN) 
				if both kidneys are intact and normal.  This is calculated by subtracting from 
				the rate of entry of sodium into the distal tubular system (DTNAI) the distal 
				tubular and collecting duct reabsorption of sodium caused by the presence of
				angiotensin in the blood (DTNANG) and that caused by multiple other factors (DTNARA) 
				from Blocks 36 and 37.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD38">
				This sets a lower limit for the normalized output of sodium (NODN) to zero.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="DTNAI"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="DTNANG"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="DTNARA"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="NODN" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="NODN1"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD35">
			<apply id="KD38">
						<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0.00000001</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0.00000001</cn>

		<map_components component_1="normal_Na_excretion" component_2="distal_tubular_Na_delivery"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTNAI" variable_2="DTNAI"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_Na_excretion" component_2="angiotensin_induced_Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTNANG" variable_2="DTNANG"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_Na_excretion" component_2="Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTNARA" variable_2="DTNARA"/>

<!-- ========================================	NORMAL POTASSIUM EXCRETION	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="normal_K_excretion" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#normal_K_excretion">
				KD103 and KD103A:  
				The normalized rate of excretion of potassium into the urine by two normal 
				kidneys (KODN) is equal to the rate of entry of potassium into the distal 
				tubular-collecting duct system (DTKI), minus any excess absorption caused 
				by abnormal renal hemodynamics (RFABK), plus the rate of secretion of 
				potassium by the tubular epithelium into the distal tubules and collecting 
				tubules (DTKSC), and minus the rate of absorption of potassium by all 
				portions of the distal tubule-collecting duct system DTKA.  Block 103A sets 
				the lower limit of the excretion of potassium in the urine (KODN) at zero. 
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD103">
				The normalized rate of excretion of potassium into the urine by two normal 
				kidneys (KODN) is equal to the rate of entry of potassium into the distal 
				tubular-collecting duct system (DTKI), minus any excess absorption caused 
				by abnormal renal hemodynamics (RFABK), plus the rate of secretion of 
				potassium by the tubular epithelium into the distal tubules and collecting 
				tubules (DTKSC), and minus the rate of absorption of potassium by all 
				portions of the distal tubule-collecting duct system DTKA. 
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD103A">
				Block 103A sets the lower limit of the excretion of potassium in the urine (KODN) at zero. 
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="DTKI"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="RFABK"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="DTKSC"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="DTKA"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="KODN" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="KODN1"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD103">
			<apply id="KD103A">
						<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute">0</cn>

		<map_components component_1="normal_K_excretion" component_2="distal_tubular_K_delivery"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTKI" variable_2="DTKI"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_K_excretion" component_2="effect_of_physical_forces_on_distal_K_reabsorption"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="RFABK" variable_2="RFABK"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_K_excretion" component_2="K_secretion_from_distal_tubules"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTKSC" variable_2="DTKSC"/>

<!-- ========================================	NORMAL UREA EXCRETION		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="normal_urea_excretion" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#normal_urea_excretion">
				Calculation of the rate of excretion of urea if both kidneys were functionally 
				intact (DTURI) by multiplying the concentration of urea in the glomerular 
				filtrate (PLURC) times the square of glomerular filtration for the two normal
				kidneys (GFN) times the numerical factor 3.84.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD52">
				Calculation of the rate of excretion of urea if both kidneys were functionally 
				intact (DTURI) by multiplying the concentration of urea in the glomerular 
				filtrate (PLURC) times the square of glomerular filtration for the two normal
				kidneys (GFN) times the numerical factor 3.84.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="GFN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="PLURC"	units="mOsm_per_litre" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="DTURI" 	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD52">
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">2</cn>
					<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">3.84</cn>

		<map_components component_1="normal_urea_excretion" component_2="plasma_urea_concentration"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="PLURC" variable_2="PLURC"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_urea_excretion" component_2="glomerular_filtration_rate"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="GFN" variable_2="GFN"/>

<!-- ========================================	NORMAL OSMOLAR AND WATER EXCRETION		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion">
				KD40, KD41, and KD42:  
				Calculation of the normalized output of osmotic substances by the kidneys if 
				both kidneys are functioning totally and normally (OSMOPN) by adding together 
				in Block 40 the milliequivalents of sodium output (NODN) and potassium output (KODN),
				then multiplying in Block 41 by a factor of 2 to include the anions that go with 
				the sodium and potassium cations, and addition in Block 42 of osmotic excretion in 
				the form of urea (DUTRI).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD40_to_KD42">
				KD40, KD41, and KD42:  
				Calculation of the normalized output of osmotic substances by the kidneys if 
				both kidneys are functioning totally and normally (OSMOPN) by adding together 
				in Block 40 the milliequivalents of sodium output (NODN) and potassium output (KODN),
				then multiplying in Block 41 by a factor of 2 to include the anions that go with 
				the sodium and potassium cations, and addition in Block 42 of osmotic excretion in 
				the form of urea (DUTRI).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="DTURI"	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="NODN"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="KODN"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="OSMOPN1" 	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>
		<variable name="OSMOPN"		units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD40_to_KD42">
						<cn cellml:units="dimensionless">2</cn>
			<apply id="KD44">
						<cn cellml:units="mOsm_per_minute">0.6</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="mOsm_per_minute">0.6</cn>

		<map_components component_1="normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion" component_2="normal_Na_excretion"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="NODN" variable_2="NODN"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion" component_2="normal_K_excretion"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="KODN" variable_2="KODN"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion" component_2="normal_urea_excretion"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTURI" variable_2="DTURI"/>

<!-- ========================================	NORMAL URINE VOLUME	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="normal_urine_volume" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#normal_urine_volume">
				KD43, KD44, KD45, KD46, KD47, and KD48:  
				Calculation of the normalized output of urine volume if both kidneys are totally 
				intact (VUDN) as the output of Block 48.  Blocks 43, 45, and 47 calculate the 
				portion of VUDN that is caused by excess of osmotic substances (OSMOP1) over and
				above the normal amount (OSMOPN).  Blocks 44 and 46 calculate the portion of VUDN 
				that is caused by that portion of OSMOPN that is below the normal value of .6.  
				The sensitivity of this portion of urine output varies markedly with the antidiuretic 
				hormone effect on the kidney (ADHMK).  Block 48 summates the total VUDN caused by the
				osmotic substances above the normal level of .6 plus those caused by the osmotic 
				substances below the normal level of .6.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD43">
				KD43, KD44, KD45, KD46, KD47, and KD48:  
				Calculation of the normalized output of urine volume if both kidneys are totally 
				intact (VUDN) as the output of Block 48.  Blocks 43, 45, and 47 calculate the 
				portion of VUDN that is caused by excess of osmotic substances (OSMOP1) over and
				above the normal amount (OSMOPN).  Blocks 44 and 46 calculate the portion of VUDN 
				that is caused by that portion of OSMOPN that is below the normal value of .6.  
				The sensitivity of this portion of urine output varies markedly with the antidiuretic 
				hormone effect on the kidney (ADHMK).  Block 48 summates the total VUDN caused by the
				osmotic substances above the normal level of .6 plus those caused by the osmotic 
				substances below the normal level of .6.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD45">
				KD43, KD44, KD45, KD46, KD47, and KD48:  
				Calculation of the normalized output of urine volume if both kidneys are totally 
				intact (VUDN) as the output of Block 48.  Blocks 43, 45, and 47 calculate the 
				portion of VUDN that is caused by excess of osmotic substances (OSMOP1) over and
				above the normal amount (OSMOPN).  Blocks 44 and 46 calculate the portion of VUDN 
				that is caused by that portion of OSMOPN that is below the normal value of .6.  
				The sensitivity of this portion of urine output varies markedly with the antidiuretic 
				hormone effect on the kidney (ADHMK).  Block 48 summates the total VUDN caused by the
				osmotic substances above the normal level of .6 plus those caused by the osmotic 
				substances below the normal level of .6.
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD46_to_KD48">
				KD43, KD44, KD45, KD46, KD47, and KD48:  
				Calculation of the normalized output of urine volume if both kidneys are totally 
				intact (VUDN) as the output of Block 48.  Blocks 43, 45, and 47 calculate the 
				portion of VUDN that is caused by excess of osmotic substances (OSMOP1) over and
				above the normal amount (OSMOPN).  Blocks 44 and 46 calculate the portion of VUDN 
				that is caused by that portion of OSMOPN that is below the normal value of .6.  
				The sensitivity of this portion of urine output varies markedly with the antidiuretic 
				hormone effect on the kidney (ADHMK).  Block 48 summates the total VUDN caused by the
				osmotic substances above the normal level of .6 plus those caused by the osmotic 
				substances below the normal level of .6.
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="OSMOPN"		units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="OSMOPN1"	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>
		<variable name="ADHMK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="VUDN" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Internal variables -->
		<variable name="OSMOP1T"	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>
		<variable name="OSMOP1"		units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="none"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD43">
					<cn cellml:units="mOsm_per_minute">0.6</cn>
			<apply id="KD45">
						<cn cellml:units="mOsm_per_minute">0</cn>
							<cn cellml:units="mOsm_per_minute">0</cn>
			<apply id="KD46_to_KD48">
							<cn cellml:units="mOsm_per_litre">600</cn>
						<cn cellml:units="mOsm_per_litre">360</cn>

		<map_components component_1="normal_urine_volume" component_2="normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="OSMOPN1" variable_2="OSMOPN1"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="OSMOPN" variable_2="OSMOPN"/>
		<map_components component_1="normal_urine_volume" component_2="kidney"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="ADHMK" variable_2="ADHMK"/>

<!-- ========================================	ACTUAL_SODIUM_EXCRETION_RATE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="actual_Na_excretion_rate" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#actual_Na_excretion_rate">
				Calculation of the actual rate of sodium output from the kidneys (NOD) by 
				multiplying the normalized rate (NODN) times the percentage of normal kidney 
				mass that is present in the body (REK).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD39">
				Calculation of the actual rate of sodium output from the kidneys (NOD) by 
				multiplying the normalized rate (NODN) times the percentage of normal kidney 
				mass that is present in the body (REK).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="NODN"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable 	cmeta:id="actual_Na_excretion_rate_NOD"
					name="NOD" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="REK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD39">

		<map_components component_1="actual_Na_excretion_rate" component_2="normal_Na_excretion"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="NODN" variable_2="NODN"/>

		<map_components component_1="actual_Na_excretion_rate" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="REK" variable_2="REK"/>

<!-- ========================================	ACTUAL POTASSIUM EXCRETION RATE		============================================= -->
	<component 	name="actual_K_excretion_rate" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#actual_K_excretion_rate">
				Calculation of the actual rate of potassium output from the kidneys (KOD) by 
				multiplying the normalized rate (KODN) times the percentage of normal kidney 
				mass that is present in the body (REK).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Kd116">
				Calculation of the actual rate of potassium output from the kidneys (KOD) by 
				multiplying the normalized rate (KODN) times the percentage of normal kidney 
				mass that is present in the body (REK).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="KODN"	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable 	cmeta:id="actual_K_excretion_rate_KOD"
					name="KOD" 	units="monovalent_mEq_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="REK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD116">

		<map_components component_1="actual_K_excretion_rate" component_2="normal_K_excretion"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="KODN" variable_2="KODN"/>

		<map_components component_1="actual_K_excretion_rate" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="REK" variable_2="REK"/>

<!-- ========================================	ACTUAL UREA EXCRETION RATE	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="actual_urea_excretion_rate" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#actual_urea_excretion_rate">
				Calculation of rate of excretion of urea per minute in terms of osmoles (UROD),
				which is equal to the rate of excretion if the kidneys were normal (DTURI) times
				the actual fraction of normal kidney mass in the body (REK).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD56">
				Calculation of rate of excretion of urea per minute in terms of osmoles (UROD),
				which is equal to the rate of excretion if the kidneys were normal (DTURI) times
				the actual fraction of normal kidney mass in the body (REK).
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="DTURI"	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable name="UROD" 	units="mOsm_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="REK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD56">

		<map_components component_1="actual_urea_excretion_rate" component_2="normal_urea_excretion"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="DTURI" variable_2="DTURI"/>

		<map_components component_1="actual_urea_excretion_rate" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="REK" variable_2="REK"/>

<!-- ========================================	ACTUAL URINE VOLUME	============================================= -->
	<component 	name="actual_urine_volume" 
		<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#actual_urine_volume">
				Actual rate of urinary output (VUD) calculated from the rate of output if
				both kidneys were totally intact (VUDN) by multiplying VUDN by the fraction 
				of normal kidney mass that is functional in the body (REK).

				A stability test to test whether or not VUD is varying up and down too much
				and if so making appropriate mathematical corrections.  This is simply a 
				mathematical maneuver for allowing more rapid solution of the equations. 
				NB - This stability test has not been coded!!!
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD49">
				Actual rate of urinary output (VUD) calculated from the rate of output if
				both kidneys were totally intact (VUDN) by multiplying VUDN by the fraction 
				of normal kidney mass that is functional in the body (REK).
			<rdf:Description rdf:about="#KD50">
				A stability test to test whether or not VUD is varying up and down too much
				and if so making appropriate mathematical corrections.  This is simply a 
				mathematical maneuver for allowing more rapid solution of the equations. 
				NB - This stability test has not been coded!!!
<!-- Inputs from other components -->
		<variable name="VUDN"	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

<!-- Outputs to other components -->
		<variable 	cmeta:id="actual_urine_volume_VUD"
					name="VUD" 	units="L_per_minute" private_interface="none" public_interface="out"/>

<!-- Parameters from parameter_file -->
		<variable name="REK"	units="dimensionless" private_interface="none" public_interface="in"/>

		<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
			<apply id="KD49">
<!--			<apply id="KD50 - STABILITY TEST">
			</apply> -->

		<map_components component_1="actual_urine_volume" component_2="normal_urine_volume"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="VUDN" variable_2="VUDN"/>

		<map_components component_1="actual_urine_volume" component_2="parameter_values"/>
		<map_variables variable_1="REK" variable_2="REK"/>

<!-- ============================================================		GROUPING		=============================================================== -->
		<relationship_ref relationship="containment"/>
		<component_ref component="kidney">
			<component_ref component="perfusion_pressure"/>
			<component_ref component="total_renal_resistance"/>
			<component_ref component="normal_renal_blood_flow"/>
			<component_ref component="actual_renal_blood_flow"/>
			<component_ref component="renal_tissue_osmotic_pressure"/>
			<component_ref component="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow"/>
			<component_ref component="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor"/>
			<component_ref component="afferent_arterial_resistance">
				<component_ref component="autonomic_effect_on_AAR"/>
				<component_ref component="angiotensin_effect_on_AAR"/>
				<component_ref component="AAR_calculation"/>
				<component_ref component="atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR"/>
			<component_ref component="efferent_arterial_resistance">
				<component_ref component="autonomic_effect_on_EAR"/>
				<component_ref component="angiotensin_effect_on_EAR"/>
				<component_ref component="effect_of_renal_autoregulatory_feedback_on_EAR"/>
				<component_ref component="EAR_calculation"/>
			<component_ref component="glomerular_capillaries">
				<component_ref component="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure"/>
				<component_ref component="glomerular_pressure"/>
				<component_ref component="glomerular_filtration_rate"/>
			<component_ref component="renal_peritubular_capillaries">
				<component_ref component="peritubular_capillary_pressure"/>
				<component_ref component="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor"/>
			<component_ref component="sodium_and_potassium_handling">
				<component_ref component="distal_tubular_Na_delivery"/>
				<component_ref component="Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules"/>
				<component_ref component="angiotensin_induced_Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules"/>
				<component_ref component="distal_tubular_K_delivery"/>
				<component_ref component="effect_of_physical_forces_on_distal_K_reabsorption"/>
				<component_ref component="effect_of_fluid_flow_on_distal_K_reabsorption"/>
				<component_ref component="K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules"/>
				<component_ref component="K_secretion_from_distal_tubules"/>
			<component_ref component="urea_handling">
				<component_ref component="glomerular_urea_concentration"/>
				<component_ref component="plasma_urea_concentration"/>
			<component_ref component="urinary_excretion">
				<component_ref component="normal_Na_excretion"/>
				<component_ref component="normal_K_excretion"/>
				<component_ref component="normal_urea_excretion"/>
				<component_ref component="normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion"/>
				<component_ref component="normal_urine_volume"/>
				<component_ref component="actual_Na_excretion_rate"/>
				<component_ref component="actual_K_excretion_rate"/>
				<component_ref component="actual_urea_excretion_rate"/>
				<component_ref component="actual_urine_volume"/>

      <relationship_ref relationship="encapsulation"/>
      <component_ref component="kidney">
			<component_ref component="parameter_values"/>
			<component_ref component="state_variables"/>
			<component_ref component="perfusion_pressure"/>
			<component_ref component="renal_autoregulatory_feedback_factor"/>
			<component_ref component="afferent_arterial_resistance"/>
			<component_ref component="autonomic_effect_on_AAR"/>
			<component_ref component="angiotensin_effect_on_AAR"/>
			<component_ref component="AAR_calculation"/>
			<component_ref component="atrial_natriuretic_peptide_effect_on_AAR"/>
			<component_ref component="efferent_arterial_resistance"/>
			<component_ref component="autonomic_effect_on_EAR"/>
			<component_ref component="angiotensin_effect_on_EAR"/>
			<component_ref component="effect_of_renal_autoregulatory_feedback_on_EAR"/>
			<component_ref component="EAR_calculation"/>
			<component_ref component="total_renal_resistance"/>
			<component_ref component="normal_renal_blood_flow"/>
			<component_ref component="actual_renal_blood_flow"/>
			<component_ref component="glomerular_capillaries"/>
			<component_ref component="glomerular_colloid_osmotic_pressure"/>
			<component_ref component="glomerular_pressure"/>
			<component_ref component="glomerular_filtration_rate"/>
			<component_ref component="glomerular_urea_concentration"/>
			<component_ref component="proximal_tubular_and_macula_densa_flow"/>
			<component_ref component="renal_tissue_osmotic_pressure"/>
			<component_ref component="urea_handling"/>
			<component_ref component="plasma_urea_concentration"/>
			<component_ref component="renal_peritubular_capillaries"/>
			<component_ref component="peritubular_capillary_pressure"/>
			<component_ref component="peritubular_capillary_reabsorption_factor"/>
			<component_ref component="sodium_and_potassium_handling"/>
			<component_ref component="distal_tubular_Na_delivery"/>
			<component_ref component="Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules"/>
			<component_ref component="angiotensin_induced_Na_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules"/>
			<component_ref component="distal_tubular_K_delivery"/>
			<component_ref component="effect_of_physical_forces_on_distal_K_reabsorption"/>
			<component_ref component="effect_of_fluid_flow_on_distal_K_reabsorption"/>
			<component_ref component="K_reabsorption_into_distal_tubules"/>
			<component_ref component="K_secretion_from_distal_tubules"/>
			<component_ref component="urinary_excretion"/>
			<component_ref component="normal_Na_excretion"/>
			<component_ref component="normal_K_excretion"/>
			<component_ref component="normal_urea_excretion"/>
			<component_ref component="normal_osmolar_and_water_excretion"/>
			<component_ref component="normal_urine_volume"/>
			<component_ref component="actual_Na_excretion_rate"/>
			<component_ref component="actual_K_excretion_rate"/>
			<component_ref component="actual_urea_excretion_rate"/>
			<component_ref component="actual_urine_volume"/>
