Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ f954e5918331 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / storage / buildFlashStorage.sh

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 00:41:19+12:00
Updating Noble 1962 model: * Exposing the membrane potential to the top-level model; * adding SED-ML for the paced and pacemaker variants of the model. Using OpenCOR Snapshot release 2021-09-14.
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# TODO: FIXME: Get rid of this and hook it into Dojo's general build script
# You must have mtasc to run this
mtasc -trace DojoExternalInterface.trace -main -cp ../flash -swf Storage.swf -version 8 -header 215:138:10 Storage.as