Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ f954e5918331 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / gfx / README

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 00:41:19+12:00
Updating Noble 1962 model: * Exposing the membrane potential to the top-level model; * adding SED-ML for the paced and pacemaker variants of the model. Using OpenCOR Snapshot release 2021-09-14.
Permanent Source URI:

Version 1.100
Release date: 08/01/2006
Project state:
HTMLCanvas renderer: experimental 
	Eugene Lazutkin (eugene.lazutkin@gmail.com)
	Kun Xi (bookstack@gmail.com)
	Chris Mitchell (ccmitchellusa@gmail.com) HTML Canvas
Project description

Implementation of simple portable 2D graphics library.

Dojo Core

Currently it can be found here: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=d764479_1hnb2tn

HTMLCanvas Renderer Status

To use canvas rendering, insert 'canvas' at the beginning of the gfxRenderers list in your
djConfig, for example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo/dojo.js" 
	djConfig="parseOnLoad: true, gfxRenderer: 'canvas,svg,silverlight,vml'"></script>
canvas currently will only render on non-IE browsers (see dojox/gfx.js for where the renderer is loaded);
although it should be possible to use an IE canvas implementation (like Google's); however, it will be very slow.

The following tests can be made to work with HTML Canvas with minor testcase modification:
	test_gfx.html-Bugs #1
	test_image1.html - Limitation #3 
	test_transform.html - Bug #1
	test_poly.html - Bug #1
	butterfly.html - Bug #1
	lion.html - Bug #1
	tiger.html - Bug #1
	circles.html - No event processing yet :(
	test_pie2d.html - Dojo Charts on iPhone anyone? :)
	test_chart2d.html - 

	// To make charts work, the following line needs to be added to the end of the 
	// Chart2D.js render() method (prior to return)

Known Limitations:
1) event handling- plan is to capture all events at canvas, perform intersect/hit 
   tests (not implemented) against scene graph, then propogate event to top-most 
   intersected shape.  HtmlCanvas shape need intersectsStroke and intersectsBounds, 
   and intersects (region).  
2) SVG and VML are "live" scene graphs; eg. any state change to objects in the 
   scene automatically get rendered in next engine render pass. For canvas, it's 
   procedural, and current implementation requires application to call surface.render() 
   whenever scene needs to be updated. Plan is to do dirty region checking based 
   on bounding boxes (currently not properly computed), and track dirty areas anytime 
   state changes (invalidate) separate from render phase.
   Add the following call where changes to the scene graph are complete and you want to

	if (surface.render){surface.render();} 

4) Text/Text Paths - Text shape is implemented using DIV overlays.  Many text styles are not
   applied, and outline/fills are not possible.  This is due to limitations in Canvas spec.
   Firefox 3.0 has proprietary text functions that we could test for and use once FF3 is out.
   No luck on Safari.
3) No Image skewing - Limitation of Canvas 
Known Bugs:
1) Matrix xformations (applied from root to shape leaf nodes) not quite right--but very close.
   Canvas does not have a built in transformation function that allows skewing.  Need to 
   track skew matrix with Shape, and perform other trans/rot/scale transformations without 
   using canvas transform functions.  

Installation instructions

Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:

Install into the following directory structure:

...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.