Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ f954e5918331 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dijit / tests / _data / countries.json

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 00:41:19+12:00
Updating Noble 1962 model: * Exposing the membrane potential to the top-level model; * adding SED-ML for the paced and pacemaker variants of the model. Using OpenCOR Snapshot release 2021-09-14.
Permanent Source URI:

{ identifier: 'name',
  label: 'name',
  items: [
     { name:'Africa', type:'continent', population:'900 million', area: '30,221,532 sq km',
        timezone: '-1 UTC to +4 UTC',
         children:[{_reference:'Egypt'}, {_reference:'Kenya'}, {_reference:'Sudan'}] },
     { name:'Egypt', type:'country' },
     { name:'Kenya', type:'country',
         children:[{_reference:'Nairobi'}, {_reference:'Mombasa'}] },
     { name:'Nairobi', type:'city' },
     { name:'Mombasa', type:'city' },
     { name:'Sudan', type:'country',
         children:{_reference:'Khartoum'} },
     { name:'Khartoum', type:'city' },
     { name:'Asia', type:'continent',
         children:[{_reference:'China'}, {_reference:'India'}, {_reference:'Russia'}, {_reference:'Mongolia'}] },
     { name:'China', type:'country' },
     { name:'India', type:'country' },
     { name:'Russia', type:'country' },
     { name:'Mongolia', type:'country' },
     { name:'Australia', type:'continent', population:'21 million',
         children:{_reference:'Commonwealth of Australia'}},
     { name:'Commonwealth of Australia', type:'country', population:'21 million'},
     { name:'Europe', type:'continent',
         children:[{_reference:'Germany'}, {_reference:'France'}, {_reference:'Spain'}, {_reference:'Italy'}] },
     { name:'Germany', type:'country' },
     { name:'France', type:'country' },
     { name:'Spain', type:'country' },
     { name:'Italy', type:'country' },
     { name:'North America', type:'continent',
         children:[{_reference:'Mexico'}, {_reference:'Canada'}, {_reference:'United States of America'}] },
     { name:'Mexico', type:'country',  population:'108 million', area:'1,972,550 sq km',
         children:[{_reference:'Mexico City'}, {_reference:'Guadalajara'}] },
     { name:'Mexico City', type:'city', population:'19 million', timezone:'-6 UTC'},
     { name:'Guadalajara', type:'city', population:'4 million', timezone:'-6 UTC' },
     { name:'Canada', type:'country',  population:'33 million', area:'9,984,670 sq km',
         children:[{_reference:'Ottawa'}, {_reference:'Toronto'}] },
     { name:'Ottawa', type:'city', population:'0.9 million', timezone:'-5 UTC'},
     { name:'Toronto', type:'city', population:'2.5 million', timezone:'-5 UTC' },
     { name:'United States of America', type:'country' },
     { name:'South America', type:'continent',
         children:[{_reference:'Brazil'}, {_reference:'Argentina'}] },
     { name:'Brazil', type:'country', population:'186 million' },
     { name:'Argentina', type:'country', population:'40 million' }