Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ f954e5918331 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dijit / tests / _base / viewport.html

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 00:41:19+12:00
Updating Noble 1962 model: * Exposing the membrane potential to the top-level model; * adding SED-ML for the paced and pacemaker variants of the model. Using OpenCOR Snapshot release 2021-09-14.
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dijit.getViewport() test

padding div
add text and compute size recompute size
  1. check results div below to see that before adding text, document is smaller than viewport
  2. after adding text, document should be bigger than viewport,and check that viewport size hasn't changed, except maybe being a little bit smaller (about 15px) because of the size of the scrollbars
  3. resize browser window and click the "recompute size" button; reported viewport size should change
  4. scroll the window and click "recompute size" to see that the scroll position is taken into effect