- Author:
- David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
- Date:
- 2009-07-16 02:00:03+12:00
- Desc:
- the starting point for the HH tutorial example
- Permanent Source URI:
- https://models.fieldml.org/workspace/a1/rawfile/f6a8f90307388eb4b040ee3566b84d88b59247f7/dojo-presentation/js/dojo/dojox/widget/FilePicker.js
dojo.requireLocalization("dojox.widget", "FilePicker");
[dojox.widget._RollingListPane], {
// summary: a pane to display the information for the currently-selected
// file
// templateString: string
// delete our template string
templateString: "",
// templatePath: string
// Our template path
templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget", "FilePicker/_FileInfoPane.html"),
postMixInProperties: function(){
this._messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.widget", "FilePicker", this.lang);
onItems: function(){
// summary:
// called after a fetch or load - at this point, this.items should be
// set and loaded.
var store = this.store, item = this.items[0];
this._onError("Load", new Error("No item defined"));
this.nameNode.innerHTML = store.getLabel(item);
this.pathNode.innerHTML = store.getIdentity(item);
this.sizeNode.innerHTML = store.getValue(item, "size");
dojo.declare("dojox.widget.FilePicker", dojox.widget.RollingList, {
// summary: a specialized version of RollingList that handles file information
// in a store
className: "dojoxFilePicker",
// pathSeparator: string
// Our file separator - it will be guessed if not set
pathSeparator: "",
// topDir: string
// The top directory string - it will be guessed if not set
topDir: "",
// parentAttr: string
// the attribute to read for finding our parent directory
parentAttr: "parentDir",
// pathAttr: string
// the attribute to read for getting the full path of our file
pathAttr: "path",
_itemsMatch: function(/*item*/ item1, /*item*/ item2){
// Summary: returns whether or not the two items match - checks ID if
// they aren't the exact same object - ignoring trailing slashes
if(!item1 && !item2){
return true;
}else if(!item1 || !item2){
return false;
}else if(item1 == item2){
return true;
}else if (this._isIdentity){
var iArr = [ this.store.getIdentity(item1), i2 = this.store.getIdentity(item2) ];
dojo.forEach(iArr, function(i, idx){
if(i.lastIndexOf(this.pathSeparator) == (i.length - 1)){
iArr[idx] = i.substring(0, i.length - 1);
}, this);
return (iArr[0] == iArr[1]);
return false;
startup: function(){
if(this._started){ return; }
// Figure out our file separator if we don't have it yet
var conn, child = this.getChildren()[0];
var setSeparator = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
delete conn;
var item = child.items[0];
var store = this.store;
var parent = store.getValue(item, this.parentAttr);
var path = store.getValue(item, this.pathAttr);
this.pathSeparator = this.pathSeparator || store.pathSeparator;
this.pathSeparator = path.substring(parent.length, parent.length + 1);
this.topDir = parent;
if(this.topDir.lastIndexOf(this.pathSeparator) != (this.topDir.length - 1)){
this.topDir += this.pathSeparator;
if(!this.pathSeparator || !this.topDir){
conn = this.connect(child, "onItems", setSeparator);
getChildItems: function(item){
var ret = this.inherited(arguments);
if(!ret && this.store.getValue(item, "directory")){
// It's an empty directory - so pass through an empty array
ret = [];
return ret;
getMenuItemForItem: function(/*item*/ item, /* dijit._Contained */ parentPane, /* item[]? */ children){
var iconClass = "dojoxDirectoryItemIcon";
if(!this.store.getValue(item, "directory")){
iconClass = "dojoxFileItemIcon";
var l = this.store.getLabel(item), idx = l.lastIndexOf(".");
if(idx >= 0){
iconClass += " dojoxFileItemIcon_" + l.substring(idx + 1);
var ret = new dijit.MenuItem({
iconClass: iconClass
return ret;
getPaneForItem: function(/*item*/ item, /* dijit._Contained */ parentPane, /* item[]? */ children){
var ret = null;
if(!item || (this.store.isItem(item) && this.store.getValue(item, "directory"))){
ret = new dojox.widget._RollingListGroupPane({});
}else if(this.store.isItem(item) && !this.store.getValue(item, "directory")){
ret = new dojox.widget._FileInfoPane({});
return ret;
setValueFromString: function(/*string*/ path){
// Summary: sets the value of this widget based off the given path
if(path.lastIndexOf(this.pathSeparator) == (path.length - 1)){
path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
this.store.fetchItemByIdentity({identity: path,
onItem: this.setValue,
scope: this});
getPathValue: function(/*item?*/val){
// summary: returns the path value of the given value (or current value
// if not passed a value)
val = this.value;
if(val && this.store.isItem(val)){
return this.store.getValue(val, this.pathAttr);
return "";