- Author:
- David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
- Date:
- 2009-07-16 02:00:03+12:00
- Desc:
- the starting point for the HH tutorial example
- Permanent Source URI:
- https://models.fieldml.org/workspace/a1/rawfile/f6a8f90307388eb4b040ee3566b84d88b59247f7/dojo-presentation/js/dojo/dojox/grid/_RowManager.js
var setStyleText = function(inNode, inStyleText){
if(inNode.style.cssText == undefined){
inNode.setAttribute("style", inStyleText);
inNode.style.cssText = inStyleText;
dojo.declare("dojox.grid._RowManager", null, {
// Stores information about grid rows. Owned by grid and used internally.
constructor: function(inGrid){
this.grid = inGrid;
linesToEms: 2,
defaultRowHeight: 1, // lines
overRow: -2,
// metrics
getHeight: function(inRowIndex){
return '';
getDefaultHeightPx: function(){
// summmary:
// retrieves the default row height
// returns: int, default row height
return 32;
//return Math.round(this.defaultRowHeight * this.linesToEms * this.grid.contentPixelToEmRatio);
// styles
prepareStylingRow: function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){
return {
index: inRowIndex,
node: inRowNode,
odd: Boolean(inRowIndex&1),
selected: this.grid.selection.isSelected(inRowIndex),
over: this.isOver(inRowIndex),
customStyles: "",
customClasses: "dojoxGridRow"
styleRowNode: function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){
var row = this.prepareStylingRow(inRowIndex, inRowNode);
applyStyles: function(inRow){
var i = inRow;
i.node.className = i.customClasses;
var h = i.node.style.height;
setStyleText(i.node, i.customStyles + ';' + (i.node._style||''));
i.node.style.height = h;
updateStyles: function(inRowIndex){
// states and events
setOverRow: function(inRowIndex){
var last = this.overRow;
this.overRow = inRowIndex;
if((last!=this.overRow)&&(last >=0)){
isOver: function(inRowIndex){
return (this.overRow == inRowIndex);