- Author:
- David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
- Date:
- 2009-07-16 02:00:03+12:00
- Desc:
- the starting point for the HH tutorial example
- Permanent Source URI:
- https://models.fieldml.org/workspace/a1/rawfile/f6a8f90307388eb4b040ee3566b84d88b59247f7/dojo-presentation/js/dojo/dojox/form/_FormSelectWidget.js
dojo.declare("dojox.form._FormSelectWidget", dijit.form._FormWidget, {
// multiple: Boolean
// Matches the select's "multiple=" value
multiple: "",
// _multiValue: Boolean
// Whether or not we are multi-valued (for form)
_multiValue: false,
dojox.form.__SelectOption = function(){
// value: String
// The value of the option. Setting to empty (or missing) will
// place a separator at that location
// label: String
// The label for our option. It can contain html tags.
// selected: Boolean
// Whether or not we are a selected option
// disabled: Boolean
// Whether or not this specific option is disabled
this.value = value;
this.label = label;
this.selected = selected;
this.disabled = disabled;
// options: dojox.form.__SelectOption[]
// The set of options for our select item. Roughly corresponds to
// the html <option> tag.
options: null,
getOptions: function(/* anything */ valueOrIdx){
// summary:
// Returns a given option (or options).
// valueOrIdx:
// If passed in as a string, that string is used to look up the option
// in the array of options - based on the value property.
// (See dojox.form.__SelectOption).
// If passed in a number, then the option with the given index (0-based)
// within this select will be returned.
// If passed in a dojox.form.__SelectOption, the same option will be
// returned if and only if it exists within this select.
// If passed an array, then an array will be returned with each element
// in the array being looked up.
// If not passed a value, then all options will be returned
// returns:
// The option corresponding with the given value or index. null
// is returned if any of the following are true:
// - A string value is passed in which doesn't exist
// - An index is passed in which is outside the bounds of the array of options
// - A dojox.form.__SelectOption is passed in which is not a part of the select
// NOTE: the compare for passing in a dojox.form.__SelectOption checks
// if the value property matches - NOT if the exact option exists
// NOTE: if passing in an array, null elements will be placed in the returned
// array when a value is not found.
var lookupValue = valueOrIdx, opts = this.options || [], l = opts.length;
if(lookupValue === undefined){
return opts; // dojox.form.__SelectOption[]
return dojo.map(lookupValue, "return this.getOptions(item);", this); // dojox.form.__SelectOption[]
// We were passed an option - so see if it's in our array (directly),
// and if it's not, try and find it by value.
if (!dojo.some(this.options, function(o, idx){
if (o === lookupValue ||
(o.value && o.value === lookupValue.value)){
lookupValue = idx;
return true;
return false;
lookupValue = -1;
if(typeof lookupValue == "string"){
for(var i=0; i<l; i++){
if(opts[i].value === lookupValue){
lookupValue = i;
if(typeof lookupValue == "number" && lookupValue >= 0 && lookupValue < l){
return this.options[lookupValue] // dojox.form.__SelectOption
return null; // null
addOption: function(/* dojox.form.__SelectOption, dojox.form.__SelectOption[] */ option){
// summary:
// Adds an option or options to the end of the select. If value
// of the option is empty or missing, a separator is created instead.
// Passing in an array of options will yeild slightly better performance
// since the children are only loaded once.
if(!dojo.isArray(option)){ option = [option]; }
dojo.forEach(option, function(i){
if(i && dojo.isObject(i)){
}, this);
removeOption: function(/* string, dojox.form.__SelectOption, number, or array */ valueOrIdx){
// summary:
// Removes the given option or options. You can remove by string
// (in which case the value is removed), number (in which case the
// index in the options array is removed), or select option (in
// which case, the select option with a matching value is removed).
// You can also pass in an array of those values for a slightly
// better performance since the children are only loaded once.
if(!dojo.isArray(valueOrIdx)){ valueOrIdx = [valueOrIdx]; }
var oldOpts = this.getOptions(valueOrIdx);
dojo.forEach(oldOpts, function(i){
this.options = dojo.filter(this.options, function(node, idx){
return (node.value !== i.value);
}, this);
updateOption: function(/* dojox.form.__SelectOption, dojox.form.__SelectOption[] */ newOption){
// summary:
// Updates the values of the given option. The option to update
// is matched based on the value of the entered option. Passing
// in an array of new options will yeild better performance since
// the children will only be loaded once.
if(!dojo.isArray(newOption)){ newOption = [newOption]; }
dojo.forEach(newOption, function(i){
var oldOpt = this.getOptions(i), k;
for(k in i){ oldOpt[k] = i[k]; }
}, this);
setValue: function(/*anything*/ newValue, /*Boolean, optional*/ priorityChange){
// summary: set the value of the widget.
// If a string is passed, then we set our value from looking it up.
var opts = this.getOptions() || [];
newValue = [newValue];
dojo.forEach(newValue, function(i, idx){
i = i + "";
if(typeof i === "string"){
newValue[idx] = dojo.filter(opts, function(node){
return node.value === i;
})[0] || {value: "", label: ""};
}, this);
// Make sure some sane default is set
newValue = dojo.filter(newValue, function(i){ return i && i.value; });
if(!this._multiValue && (!newValue[0] || !newValue[0].value) && opts.length){
newValue[0] = opts[0];
dojo.forEach(opts, function(i){
i.selected = dojo.some(newValue, function(v){ return v.value === i.value; });
var val = dojo.map(newValue, function(i){ return i.value; }),
disp = dojo.map(newValue, function(i){ return i.label; });
this.value = this._multiValue ? val : val[0];
this._setDisplay(this._multiValue ? disp : disp[0]);
this._handleOnChange(this.value, priorityChange);
_getValueDeprecated: false, // remove when _FormWidget:getValue is removed
getValue: function(){
// summary: get the value of the widget.
return this._lastValue;
undo: function(){
// summary: restore the value to the last value passed to onChange
this.setValue(this._lastValueReported, false);
_loadChildren: function(){
// summary:
// Loads the children represented by this widget's optiosn.
// reset the menu to make it "populatable on the next click
dojo.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(child){
// Add each menu item
dojo.forEach(this.options, this._addOptionItem, this);
// Update states
_updateSelection: function(){
// summary:
// Sets the "selected" class on the item for styling purposes
this.value = this._getValueFromOpts();
var val = this.value;
val = [val];
if(val && val[0]){
dojo.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(child){
var isSelected = dojo.some(val, function(v){
return child.option && (v === child.option.value);
dojo.toggleClass(child.domNode, this.baseClass + "SelectedOption", isSelected);
dijit.setWaiState(child.domNode, "selected", isSelected);
}, this);
_getValueFromOpts: function(){
// summary:
// Returns the value of the widget by reading the options for
// the selected flag
var opts = this.getOptions() || [];
if(!this._multiValue && opts.length){
// Mirror what a select does - choose the first one
var opt = dojo.filter(opts, function(i){
return i.selected;
if(opt && opt.value){
return opt.value
opts[0].selected = true;
return opts[0].value;
}else if(this._multiValue){
// Set value to be the sum of all selected
return dojo.map(dojo.filter(opts, function(i){
return i.selected;
}), function(i){
return i.value;
}) || [];
return "";
postMixInProperties: function(){
this._multiValue = (this.multiple.toLowerCase() === "true");
_fillContent: function(){
// summary:
// Loads our options and sets up our dropdown correctly. We
// don't want any content, so we don't call any inherit chain
// function.
var opts = this.options;
opts = this.options = this.srcNodeRef ? dojo.query(">",
if(node.getAttribute("type") === "separator"){
return { value: "", label: "", selected: false, disabled: false };
return { value: node.getAttribute("value"),
label: String(node.innerHTML),
selected: node.getAttribute("selected") || false,
disabled: node.getAttribute("disabled") || false };
}, this) : [];
this.value = this._getValueFromOpts();
}else if(this._multiValue && typeof this.value == "string"){
this.value = this.value.split(",");
postCreate: function(){
// summary: sets up our event handling that we need for functioning
// as a select
dojo.setSelectable(this.focusNode, false);
// Make our event connections for updating state
this.connect(this, "onChange", "_updateSelection");
this.connect(this, "startup", "_loadChildren");
this.setValue(this.value, null);
_addOptionItem: function(/* dojox.form.__SelectOption */ option){
// summary:
// User-overridable function which, for the given option, adds an
// item to the select. If the option doesn't have a value, then a
// separator is added in that place. Make sure to store the option
// in the created option widget.
_removeOptionItem: function(/* dojox.form.__SelectOption */ option){
// summary:
// User-overridable function which, for the given option, removes
// its item from the select.
_setDisplay: function(/*String or String[]*/ newDisplay){
// summary: Overridable function which will set the display for the
// widget. newDisplay is either a string (in the case of
// single selects) or array of strings (in the case of multi-
// selects)
_getChildren: function(){
// summary: Overridable function to return the children that this widget
// contains.
return [];