- Author:
- David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
- Date:
- 2009-07-16 02:00:03+12:00
- Desc:
- the starting point for the HH tutorial example
- Permanent Source URI:
- https://models.fieldml.org/workspace/a1/rawfile/f6a8f90307388eb4b040ee3566b84d88b59247f7/dojo-presentation/js/dojo/dojox/form/FileInputOverlay.js
dojo.declare("dojox.form.FileInputOverlay", null, {
// Handles the basic tasks of a fileInput...
// Does NOT create a button, it transparently overlays a button passed to it.
// This can be used for toolbar buttons for example.
// Handles the file upload. Use an example PHP script included in resources.
// NOTE:
// This looks like it is duplicating efforts of the other FileInput files,
// but its actually seperating the lower-level functionality, and allowing
// for custom buttons.
// Because of the nature of this "hack" - floating a zero-opacity fileInput
// over a "fake" button - this won't work in all circumstances. For instance
// you couldn't put a fileInput in a scrolling div. Some complicated CSS can
// mess up the placement - or for that matter, some simple, but not expected
// CSS can mess up the placement. Being near the botton of a complex document
// can throw off the positioning.
// Not much love from Opera on FileInput hacks.
// ALSO:
// Only works programmatically. Does not work in markup. Use the other
// other FileInput files for markup solutions.
// this.fileInput = new dojox.form.FileInputOverlay({button:this.button, uploadUrl:this.uploadUrl, uploadOnChange:true});
// dojo.connect(this.fileInput, "onChange", this, "handleChange");
// dojo.connect(this.fileInput, "onComplete", this, "onComplete");
// _fileInput: /* node */
// the fileInput form node (do not set)
// _fileInput: /* node */
// the form node (do not set)
// uploadUrl: /* String */
// The Url the file will be uploaded
uploadUrl: "",
// button: /* dijit.form.Button or a domNode */
// REQUIRED: The button that will get the FileInput overlay
// uploadOnChange: /* Boolean */
// if true, begins upload immediately
// leave false if you wish to display the text of the selection
// and present an "upload" button
uploadOnChange: false,
// fieldName: /* String */
// The form field attribute. This will be needed by the server to get the value.
// If using the ReceiveFile.php test, leave this as-is.
// id: /* String */
// The attribute of the form field. Also accesses this object.
// tweakX: /* Number */
// positive or negative number to push the
constructor: function(options){
this.button = options.button;
this.uploadUrl = options.uploadUrl;
this.uploadOnChange = options.uploadOnChange;
this.id = options.id || dijit.getUniqueId("form");
this._connects = [];
// if we are create more than one FileInputOverlay,
// IE6 needs a breather or it locks up
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "createFileInput"), 1);
onMouseOver: function(evt){
// Can be connected to for manipulating hover state
dojo.addClass(this.button.domNode, "dijitButtonHover dijitHover");
onMouseOut: function(evt){
// Can be connected to for manipulating hover state
dojo.removeClass(this.button.domNode, "dijitButtonHover dijitHover");
onChange: function(value){
// summary
// Called after a system dialog selection has been made
// stub to connect
if(this.uploadOnChange) { this.upload(); }
upload: function(){
// summary
// Tell form to upload
url: this.uploadUrl,
form: this._formNode,
handleAs: "json",
handle: dojo.hitch(this,"onComplete")
onComplete: function(data,ioArgs,widgetRef){
//stub to connect
createFileInput: function(){
// summary
// Create the fileInput overlay
if(!this.button.id) { this.button.id = dijit.getUniqueId("button"); }
var domNode = (this.button.domNode) ? dojo.byId(this.button.id).parentNode.parentNode : this.button.parentNode;
// in some cases, mainly due to scrollbars, the buttons
// are initially misplaced
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "setPosition"), 500);
setPosition: function(){
// summary
// Get size and location of the 'fake' node (the button)
// Resize, set position, and clip the 'real' button (the fileInput)
// setPosition will fire on browser resize. The button may wrap to a different position
// and sometimes it just shifts slightly in the html, maybe because of the scrollbar.
// May also call this externally, if there is a change in button positioning.
var fake = this._getFakeButtonSize();
// could memoize this, but it at 2-5ms, doesn't seem quite worth it.
var real = dojo.marginBox(this._fileInput);
// Now we have an extremely large fileInput button and field.
// We mask the areas that extend passed the boundaries of the button.
// Thanks to quirksmode for this hack.
var clip = "rect(0px "+real.w+"px "+fake.h+"px "+(real.w-fake.w)+"px)";
this._fileInput.style.clip = clip;
// absolutely position the fileInput.
this._fileInput.style.left = (fake.x + fake.w - real.w) + "px";
this._fileInput.style.top = fake.y + "px";
_getFakeButtonSize: function(){
// summary
// Get the size and position of the Dijit Button or DOM node.
// This isn't easy. An awful lot has been accounted for, but a page full
// of cascading styles can be simply impossible to predict.
// In these cases, it's reccomended that this function be
// overwritten with more precise paramters
var fakeNode = (this.button.domNode) ? dojo.byId(this.button.id).parentNode : dojo.byId(this.button.id);
// can't memoize this, because we need the location. And the size could possibly change anyway.
var fake = dojo.coords(fakeNode);
// if block, get the width from the style
fake.w = (dojo.style(fakeNode, "display")=="block")? dojo.style(fakeNode, "width"): fake.w;
//relative and absolute positioning are totally different
var p = fakeNode.parentNode.parentNode;
if(p && dojo.style(p, "position")=="relative"){
fake.x = dojo.style(p, "left");
fake.y = dojo.style(p, "top");
if(p && dojo.style(p, "position")=="absolute"){
fake.x = 0;
fake.y = 0;
//Tweaking the size of the fileInput to be just a little bigger
var s = 3;
fake.x -=s;
fake.y -= s;
return fake;
_buildFileInput: function(domNode){
// summary
// Build the fileInput field
this._fileInput = document.createElement('input');
this._fileInput.setAttribute("id", this.id);
// server will need to know this variable:
_buildForm: function(domNode){
// summary
// Build the form that holds the fileInput
// This form also holds the class that targets
// the input to change its size
// just to reiterate, IE is a steaming pile of code.
this._formNode = document.createElement('<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">');
this._formNode.encoding = "multipart/form-data";
// this is how all other sane browsers do it
this._formNode = document.createElement('form');
this._formNode.id = dijit.getUniqueId("form");
_connectInput: function(){
this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this._fileInput, "mouseover", this, function(evt){
this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this._fileInput, "mouseout", this, function(evt){
this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this._fileInput, "change", this, function(){
this._connects.push(dojo.connect(window, "resize", this, "setPosition"));
_disconnectInput: function(){
dojo.forEach(this._connects, function(c){
_setFormStyle: function(){
// summary
// Apply a dynamic style to the form and input
// YAY! IE makes us jump through more hoops!
// We want to make the fileInput's button large enough to cover our
// fake button, and we do this with fontSize=(x)em.
// It seems that after you build a fileInput, it's too late to style it. IE
// styles the input field, but not the button.
// To style the button, we'll create a class that fits, apply it to the form,
// then it will cascade down properly. Geez.
// If the fake button is bigger than the fileInput, we need to resize
// the fileInput. Due to browser security, the only consistent sizing
// method is font EMs. We're using a rough formula here to determine
// if the fake button is very tall or very wide, and resizing based
// on the result.
// We want a minimum of 2em, because on a Mac, system buttons have
// rounded corners. The larger size moves that corner out of position
var fake = this._getFakeButtonSize();
var size = Math.max(2,Math.max(Math.ceil(fake.w/60),Math.ceil(fake.h/15)));
// Now create a style associated with the form ID
dojox.html.insertCssRule("#"+this._formNode.id+" input", "font-size:"+size+"em");
destroy: function(){
// summary
// Destroys the FileInputOverlay
// NOTE: Does not destroy the button or node to which it was
// "attached". That will need to be destroyed seperately.