Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ f6a8f9030738 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / encoding / tests / compression / splay.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2009-07-16 02:00:03+12:00
the starting point for the HH tutorial example
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	var msg1 = "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.";
	var msg2 = "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.1";
	var msg3 = "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.ab";
	var msg4 = "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.!@#";
	var dc = dojox.encoding.compression, dcb = dojox.encoding.bits;
	var s2b = function(s){
		var b = [];
		for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i){
		return b;

	var b2s = function(b){
		var s = [];
		dojo.forEach(b, function(c){ s.push(String.fromCharCode(c)); });
		return s.join("");
	var encode = function(msg){
		var x = new dcb.OutputStream(), encoder = new dc.Splay(256);
		dojo.forEach(s2b(msg), function(v){ encoder.encode(v, x); });
		console.debug("bits =", x.getWidth());
		return x.getBuffer();
	var decode = function(n, buf){
		var x = new dcb.InputStream(buf, buf.length * 8), decoder = new dc.Splay(256), t = [];
		for(var i = 0; i < n; ++i){ t.push(decoder.decode(x)); }
		return b2s(t);

	tests.register("dojox.encoding.tests.compression.splay", [
		function testSplayMsg1(t){ t.assertEqual(msg1, decode(msg1.length, encode(msg1))); },
		function testSplayMsg2(t){ t.assertEqual(msg2, decode(msg2.length, encode(msg2))); },
		function testSplayMsg3(t){ t.assertEqual(msg3, decode(msg3.length, encode(msg3))); },
		function testSplayMsg4(t){ t.assertEqual(msg4, decode(msg4.length, encode(msg4))); }