- Author:
- David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
- Date:
- 2009-07-16 02:00:03+12:00
- Desc:
- the starting point for the HH tutorial example
- Permanent Source URI:
- https://models.fieldml.org/workspace/a1/rawfile/f6a8f90307388eb4b040ee3566b84d88b59247f7/dojo-presentation/js/dojo/dojox/date/tests/posix.js
//FIXME: set up by loading 'en' resources
function test_date_strftime(t){
var date = new Date(2006, 7, 11, 0, 55, 12, 3456);
t.is("06/08/11", dojox.date.posix.strftime(date, "%y/%m/%d"));
var dt = null; // Date to test
var fmt = ''; // Format to test
var res = ''; // Expected result
dt = new Date(2006, 0, 1, 18, 23);
fmt = '%a';
res = 'Sun';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en'));
fmt = '%A';
res = 'Sunday';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en'));
fmt = '%b';
res = 'Jan';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en'));
fmt = '%B';
res = 'January';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en'));
fmt = '%c';
res = 'Sunday, January 1, 2006 6:23:00 PM';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt).substring(0, res.length));
fmt = '%C';
res = '20';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%d';
res = '01';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%D';
res = '01/01/06';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%e';
res = ' 1';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%h';
res = 'Jan';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en'));
fmt = '%H';
res = '18';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%I';
res = '06';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%j';
res = '001';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%k';
res = '18';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%l';
res = ' 6';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%m';
res = '01';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%M';
res = '23';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%p';
res = 'PM';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en'));
fmt = '%r';
res = '06:23:00 PM';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en'));
fmt = '%R';
res = '18:23';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%S';
res = '00';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%T';
res = '18:23:00';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%u';
res = '7';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%w';
res = '0';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%x';
res = 'Sunday, January 1, 2006';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en'));
fmt = '%X';
res = '6:23:00 PM';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt, 'en').substring(0,res.length));
fmt = '%y';
res = '06';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%Y';
res = '2006';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
fmt = '%%';
res = '%';
t.is(res, dojox.date.posix.strftime(dt, fmt));
function test_date_getStartOfWeek(t){
var weekStart;
// Monday
var date = new Date(2007, 0, 1);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 1), 1);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 2), 1);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 3), 1);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 4), 1);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 5), 1);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 6), 1);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 7), 1);
t.is(date, weekStart);
// Sunday
date = new Date(2007, 0, 7);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 7), 0);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 8), 0);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 9), 0);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 10), 0);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 11), 0);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 12), 0);
t.is(date, weekStart);
weekStart = dojox.date.posix.getStartOfWeek(new Date(2007, 0, 13), 0);
t.is(date, weekStart);
function test_date_setIsoWeekOfYear(t){
var date = new Date(2006,10,10);
var result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, 1);
t.is(new Date(2006,0,6), result);
result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, 10);
result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, 2);
t.is(new Date(2006,0,13), result);
result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, 10);
t.is(new Date(2006,2,10), result);
result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, 52);
t.is(new Date(2006,11,29), result);
var result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, -1);
t.is(new Date(2006,11,29), result);
var result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, -2);
t.is(new Date(2006,11,22), result);
var result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, -10);
t.is(new Date(2006,9,27), result);
date = new Date(2004,10,10);
result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, 1);
t.is(new Date(2003,11,31), result);
result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, 2);
t.is(new Date(2004,0,7), result);
result = dojox.date.posix.setIsoWeekOfYear(date, -1);
t.is(new Date(2004,11,29), result);
function test_date_getIsoWeekOfYear(t){
var week = dojox.date.posix.getIsoWeekOfYear(new Date(2006,0,1));
t.is(52, week);
week = dojox.date.posix.getIsoWeekOfYear(new Date(2006,0,4));
t.is(1, week);
week = dojox.date.posix.getIsoWeekOfYear(new Date(2006,11,31));
t.is(52, week);
week = dojox.date.posix.getIsoWeekOfYear(new Date(2007,0,1));
t.is(1, week);
week = dojox.date.posix.getIsoWeekOfYear(new Date(2007,11,31));
t.is(53, week);
week = dojox.date.posix.getIsoWeekOfYear(new Date(2008,0,1));
t.is(1, week);
week = dojox.date.posix.getIsoWeekOfYear(new Date(2007,11,31));
t.is(53, week);
function test_date_getIsoWeeksInYear(t){
// 44 long years in a 400 year cycle.
var longYears = [4, 9, 15, 20, 26, 32, 37, 43, 48, 54, 60, 65, 71, 76, 82,
88, 93, 99, 105, 111, 116, 122, 128, 133, 139, 144, 150, 156, 161, 167,
172, 178, 184, 189, 195, 201, 207, 212, 218, 224, 229, 235, 240, 246,
252, 257, 263, 268, 274, 280, 285, 291, 296, 303, 308, 314, 320, 325,
331, 336, 342, 348, 353, 359, 364, 370, 376, 381, 387, 392, 398];
var i, j, weeks, result;
for(i=0; i < 400; i++) {
weeks = 52;
if(i == longYears[0]) { weeks = 53; longYears.shift(); }
result = dojox.date.posix.getIsoWeeksInYear(new Date(2000 + i, 0, 1));
t.is(/*weeks +" weeks in "+ (2000+i), */weeks, result);