Location: Hill, 1972 - a model of feto-maternal oxygen exchange @ b0fe47040c0f / ReadMe.rst.txt

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**Model Status**

This CellML model has been built from a mathematical model of placental oxygen transfer by Ester Hill, Gondon Power and Lawrence Longo (1972). This file is known to run in openCOR. The parameters in Table 1 of the paper has been changed to make them consistent with human placenta. 

**Model structure**

During pregnancy, the placenta acts as the fetal lung since the gas exchange between mother and fetus occurs at the placental capillaries. This gas exchange is controlled by multiple factors such as maternal and fetal blood volume, blood flow rate, partial pressure of oxygen, hemoglobin concentration and oxygen diffusivity. Using these pareameters,the model predicts the oxygen gain by the fetal blood and the oxygen loss by the maternal blood during capillary transit time. 

.. image:: fig1pmr.png

A schematic diagram of feto-maternal gas exchange at placental capillary: deoxygenated blood carried by the fetal artery enters into the capillary where the diffusion of maternal oxygen occurs. Due to the oxygen gain, the fetal blood becomes well oxygenated after the exchange and travels towards the fetus via the fetal vein. 

.. image:: C:\Users\wtun899\Desktop\4cd\pmrinsert.png

The top graph shows the changes in partial pressure of mother and fetus during capillary transit time. The bottom graph shows the changes in oxyhaemoglobin of mother and fetus during capillary transit time.

The original paper reference is cited below: 

Hill, E.P., G.G. Power, and L.D. Longo, A mathematical model of carbon dioxide transfer in the placenta and its interaction with oxygen. Am J Physiol, 1973. 224(2): p. 283-99.