Location: The Physics of Physiology - Example 1: An electrical circuit @ d4accf8429db / README.rst

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2024-01-24 14:52:46+13:00
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Bond graph example: An electrical circuit

Here we show an electrical circuit with static storage (capacitor C), dynamic storage (inductor L) and dissipation (resistor R).
:math:`v_in^e` and :math:`v_out^e` are the input and output fluxes (electrical currents), respectively.
:math:`v_C^e`, :math:`v_R^e` and :math:`v_L^e` are the currents flowing through capacitor C, resistor R and inductor L, respectively, and :math:`u_C^e`, :math:`u_R^e` and :math:`u_L^e` are the electrical potentials across them.
Superscript ‘e’ indicates that the variables are electrical quantities; subscripts indicate the location in the circuit for each quantity.

.. figure::  fig1.png
   :width: 95%
   :align: center
   :alt: Schematic and bond graph of the model

   A simple electrical circuit (a) with its representation by a bond graph (b). 0:nodes for an electrical network are physical locations where the flows (electrical currents) are balanced, while 1:nodes represent circuits around which the potentials sum to zero. :math:`v_in^e` and :math:`v_out^e` are boundary conditions.

There are two implementations of this model available:

* The standard BG model from the lecture notes: `FAIRDO BG example 3.1 <FAIRDO%20BG%20example%203.1.cellml/view>`_; and
* A version with the full power and energy calculations shown: `FAIRDO BG example 3.1.1 <FAIRDO%20BG%20example%203.1.1.cellml/view>`_

.. _CellML: https://www.cellml.org/
.. _OpenCOR: https://opencor.ws/
.. _SED-ML: https://sed-ml.org