Location: Hodgkin & Huxley (1952) model @ 7afd99617b3d / BG / Ileak_BG.cellml

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2022-03-18 13:14:54+13:00
Add other parameter print out in the gate_ss; The current setting gives around 20 mV peak of AP, it seems that the m gate doesn't open fast enough.
Permanent Source URI:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<model name="Ileak_BG" xmlns="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.1#" xmlns:cellml="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.1#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
    <import xlink:href="../cellLib/BG/units_BG.cellml">
        <units name="fS" units_ref="fS"/>
        <units name="fA" units_ref="fA"/>
    <component name="Ileak_BG">
        <variable name="g_leak" public_interface="in" units="fS"/>
        <variable name="V_leak" public_interface="in" units="volt"/>
        <!--Inputs        -->
        <variable name="V_m" public_interface="in" units="volt"/>
        <variable name="I_leak" public_interface="out" units="fA"/>
        <!--Intermediate variables-->
        <variable name="V" units="volt"/>
        <!-- Constitutive relation of the R:leak-->
        <!--V = I_leak/g_leak;-->
        <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
            <!--Conservation laws-->
            <!--V_m = V+V_leak;-->