Location: Models for the OpenCOR and PMR tutorial by Peter Hunter @ c702d05c6a69 / potassium_ion_channel.rst

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2016-08-31 10:38:56+12:00
update HH IK SED-ML to match changes in OpenCOR.
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The HH potassium channel

In the tutorial, the `Hodgkin & Huxley potassium channel <potassium_ion_channel.cellml/view>`__ is used as the example illustrating the core concepts of components and connections in CellML. It is also a great example demonstrating the utility of `providing SED-ML alongside the model <potassium_ion_channel.sedml>`__, as shown with the results presented in the figure below.

.. figure:: screenshots/potassium_channel.png
   :figwidth: 85%
   :alt: Screenshot illustrating the results of executing this potassium simulation experiment in OpenCOR.
   A screenshot illustrating the results when the associated SED-ML document is loaded into OpenCOR and the simulation executed.
   This can be reproduced directly from the repository by choosing the **Launch with OpenCOR** link from the *Views Available*.