Location: Workflows for analysis of valvular and aortic disease @ 2cedcfbe707a / FieldML / view.cmgui

Dougal Cowan <devnull@localhost>
2012-11-09 14:32:21+13:00
Adding documentation for the exposure of this model
Permanent Source URI:

gfx create region vessel;
gfx read region projectr2_wedge.xml region vessel;
gfx read region projectr2.xml region vessel;
gfx define faces egroup vessel;
gfx modify g_element vessel general clear;
gfx modify g_element vessel lines coordinate coordinates exterior tessellation default LOCAL native_discretization NONE select_on material default selected_material default_selected;
gfx modify g_element vessel surfaces coordinate coordinates exterior tessellation default LOCAL native_discretization NONE select_on material tissue selected_material default_selected render_shaded;
gfx create window 1;
gfx modify window 1 set perturb_lines;
# make groups so you can to visualise the wedge elements separately from the tets:
gfx create egroup inside region vessel;
gfx modify egroup vessel/inside add 1..20300;
gfx modify g_element vessel/inside general clear;
gfx create egroup outside region vessel;
gfx modify egroup vessel/outside add 20301..32084;
gfx modify g_element vessel/outside general clear;