
Date Author Log Options Exposure
2011-08-23 Hanne Nielsen Added image to HTMl file [files] [tgz] [zip]
2011-08-03 Hanne Nielsen Added HTML file [files] [tgz] [zip]
2011-03-29 Hanne Nielsen Edited image documentation in CellML files [files] [tgz] [zip] Two compartment model of diazepam biotransformation in an organotypical culture of primary human hepatocytes
2011-02-02 Hanne Nielsen Updated images and SVG in session files [files] [tgz] [zip] Two compartment model of diazepam biotransformation in an organotypical culture of primary human hepatocytes
2011-01-28 Hanne Nielsen Added hepatocyte as keyword to cellml files [files] [tgz] [zip]
2011-01-27 Hanne Nielsen Added three sessions and updated xul [files] [tgz] [zip]
2011-01-27 Hanne Nielsen Session file for a has clickable SVG [files] [tgz] [zip]
2011-01-27 Hanne Nielsen Added three other variants of cellml model [files] [tgz] [zip]
2011-01-26 Hanne Nielsen Added cellml file and session file for control expriment [files] [tgz] [zip]