
Below is a listing of model exposures (100 per page | full list)

Brown, Choe, Shanahan, Czeisler, 1997
Bueno, 2007
Bugbuster Systems Model
Bugenhagen 2010
Butera, Rinzel, Smith, 1999
Butera, Rinzel, Smith, 1999
Butera, Rinzel, Smith, 1999
Calzone, Thieffry, Tyson, Novak, 2007
Campbell, Chandra, 2006
Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiological Modelling
Cardiovascular model with the feedback loops
Cardiovascular model with the feedback loops
Carro, Rodriguez, Laguna, Pueyo (2011)
Carro, Rodríguez, Laguna, Pueyo (2011)
Carro, Rodríguez, Laguna, Pueyo (2011)
Cartwright, Husain, 1986
Cell Viability Models for Tissue Exposed to Ablative Temperatures
Cell viability models for tissue exposed to ablative temperatures.
Cervical spine
Cervical Vertebra 1
Cervical Vertebra 2
Cervical Vertebra 3
Cervical Vertebra 4
Cervical Vertebra 5
Cervical Vertebra 6
Cervical Vertebra 7
Chang, Fujita, 1999
Chang, Fujita, 1999
Chang, Fujita, 1999
Chang, Fujita, 2001
Chassagnole, Rais, Quentin, Fell, Mazat, 2001
Chay, 1997
Chay, Lee, Fan, 1995
Chen, Calzone, Csikasz-Nagy, Cross, Novak, Tyson, 2004
Chen, Calzone, Csikasznagy, Cross, Novak, Tyson, 2004
Chen, Csikasz-Nagy, Gyorffy, Val, Novak, Tyson, 2000
Chen, Popel, 2006
Chen, Popel, 2007
Cheng, Brown, Loeb, 2000
Ciliberto, Novak, Tyson, 2003
Ciliberto, Petrus, Tyson, Sible, 2003
Ciliberto, Tyson, 2000
Cl-/HCO3- Exchanger (AE1) Model
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Clancy, Rudy, 2002
Cloutier, Bolger, Lowry, Wellstead, 2009
Cloutier, Wellstead, 2009
Colegrove, Albrecht, Friel, 2000
Collier et al (1996) Delta-Notch model
Computational analysis of the human sinus node action potential: model development and effects of mutations
Computational analysis of the human sinus node action potential: model development and effects of mutations
Computational analysis of the human sinus node action potential: model development and effects of mutations
Computational analysis of the human sinus node action potential: model development and effects of mutations
Computational analysis of the human sinus node action potential: model development and effects of mutations
Computational Mechanics of the Heart
Computational models of ventricular- and atrial-like human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes
Computational models of ventricular- and atrial-like human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes
Conradie, Bruggeman, Ciliberto, Csikasz-Nagy, Novak, Westerhoff, Snoep,
Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2008
Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009. Dual Calcium Protocol
Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009. Shen Calcium Protocol
Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009. Tomida Calcium Protocol
Corrias, Buist, 2007
Corrias, Buist, 2008
Cortassa et al. (2006) ECME model
Cortassa, Aon, Marban, Winslow, O'Rourke, 2003
Cortassa, Aon, Winslow, O'Rourke, 2004
Costa, Holmes, McCulloch, 2001
Courtemanche, Ramirez, Nattel, 1998
Covering a broad dynamic range: information processing at the erythropoietin receptor
Cronwright, Rohwer, Prior, 2002
Csikasz-Nagy, Battogtokh, Chen, Novak, Tyson, 2006
Cui, Kaandorp, 2006
Cui, Kaandorp, 2006
Cui, Kaandorp, 2008
Cui, Kaandorp, Lloyd, 2008
Curien, Ravanel, Dumas, 2003
Dash, Bassingthwaighte, 2004
David Cumin PhD Model
Dawson, Lea, Irvine, 2003
De Paor, Timmons, 1986
De Vries, Sherman, 2000
De Vries, Sherman, 2001
De Young, Keizer, 1992
Decker, Heijman, Silva, Hund, Rudy, 2009
Demir, Clark, Giles, 1999
Demir, Clark, Giles, Murphey, 1994
Demiray, 1981
Dempsher, Gann, Phair, 1984
Dependence of the period on the rate of protein degradation in minimal models for circadian oscillations
DiFrancesco, Noble, 1985
Digastricus Anterior
Dijkstra, Neal, Beever, France, 1992