
About this model

Original publication:
 Kernik et al. (2019): "A computational model of induced pluripotent stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes incorporating experimental variability from multiple data sources" J Physiol. 2019 Sep 1; 597(17): 4533-4564.

Figure 11

Action potential in the whole-cell model

The developed whole-cell model including all the channels and current was optimized to reproduce the spontaneous beating of actional potential as a key feature of the immature iPSC-CM phenotype, which is shown in figure 11.

Channels.cellml is the main CellML file which shows the I-V curves for different channels fitted to different experimental data from multiple laboratories. Its associated SED-ML file contains all the simulation settings. All the CellML files and SED-ML files need to be downloaded in a same folder as well as python scripts ( In the python script, required SED-ML file (Channels.sedml) is loaded into the script and by running the code all the required currents are calculated, and the following figure is reproduced. is used to generate the simulation and reproduces the graph shown in Figure 11 in the original study. In order to reproduce Figure 11, save all the files to the same folder and execute the following script from the command line:

$ cd [PathToThisFile]

$ [PathToOpenCOR]/pythonshell


Time course of the spontaneously beating APs in the whole-cell model