
About this model

Original publication:
 Kernik et al. (2019): "A computational model of induced pluripotent stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes incorporating experimental variability from multiple data sources" J Physiol. 2019 Sep 1; 597(17): 4533-4564.

Figure 03

Sodium current (INa) model

Current_Ina.cellml is the main CellML file which contains the formulation for the fast sodium current. Its associated SED-ML file contains all the simulation settings.

To execute the code, all the files related to this channel need to be downloaded in a same folder:

  2. Current_Ina.cellml
  3. Current_Ina.sedml
  4. parameter_Ina.cellml
  5. parameter.cellml
  6. gating_Ina.cellml
  7. unit.cellml

To reproduce Figure 3, save all the files to the same folder and execute the following script from the command line:

$ cd [PathToThisFile]

$ [PathToOpenCOR]/pythonshell

Sodium current model

A, steady-state inactivation and activation curves. The sodium current model used in the baseline whole-cell model is shown in black. B, I–V curves for INa. C, INa activation (m-gate) time constants. D, INa fast-inactivation (h-gate) time constants. E, INa slow-inactivation (j-gate) time constants.